While asking the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) to pay Rs2 lakh as a claim for death insurance, the national consumer disputes redressal commission (NCDRC) reiterated that it is upon the insurer who has rejected the claim to prove that the deceased life assured (DLA) suppressed material information or provided false information material while buying the policy.
Get latest articles and stories on Latest News at LatestLY. A court here has sentenced a man to life imprisonment for attacking a teenage girl with a knife and causing serious injuries to her face after she resisted his molestation attempts. Latest News | Man Sentenced to Life Imprisonment for Molestation Bid, Causing Serious Injuries to Her.
FTE APEX Asia Expo returned to the Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Singapore, on 9-10 November 2022. Here is a selection of the main highlights.
Amid concerns over the Omicron variant of coronavirus, the Centre had issued revised guidelines for international travelers which came into effect on December 1