Plans to restripe two portions of Prospect Street and La Jolla Boulevard in La Jolla to include new bicycle lanes drew sharp criticism from avid cyclists and others at the La Jolla Traffic & Transportation Board meeting on Oct. 19.
Despite concerns about maintenance and insufficient representation from area service groups, the La Jolla Community Planning Association narrowly voted July 7 to support a proposed “Welcome to La Jolla” sign.
After a harsh critique last month, a home project proposed for Prestwick Drive narrowly got approval from the La Jolla Shores Permit Review Committee during its April 18 meeting.
Though a plan to put townhomes on an "eyesore" lot has some components that don't conform to the La Jolla Planned District Ordinance, it got the approval of the PDO review committee during its April 11 meeting.
Seeking to beautify the area of La Jolla known as “The Throat,” the La Jolla Shores Association unanimously approved formation of a working group to determine how to proceed.