When Los Angeles Times columnist Gustavo Arellano wrote in his recent headline, “O.C. let its history rot. And the Tustin hangar fire is still burning,” he pointed out how tragic it was that the condition of the hangar had reached this point of immolation.
Alex Rounaghi, 25, was elected to the Laguna Beach City Council last fall. He's learning his way around the inherent bureaucracy and has a laundry list of municipal issues he'd like to see tackled.
In a move that can only be described as a stroke of comedic genius, the city of Laguna Beach decided to tackle the issue of overcrowded tourist parking head-on. With a mischievous twinkle in their eyes, the city council replaced the parking lot at the Village Entrance with a new one that had a staggering 100 fewer parking stalls.
This column proposes a new Village Entrance opposite the Festival of the Arts site. This proposal may be controversial to some, but its benefits far outweigh any possible downside.