Council To Decide On Laguna Beach's 6th Tattoo And Body Art Business - Laguna Beach, CA - The city council will consider the Vatican Gallery's conditional use permit in what may be the 6th tattoo and body art shop in Laguna Beach.
How does the Indy keep allowing Ray to print such inaccuracies? How do they not make him state that he was a founder of Liberate Laguna that funded and supported Peter Blake’s campaign and was a major supporter of his failed bid at reelection? And that he started Liberate Laguna to get the porch on his girlfriend’s house that Design Review Board kept refusing?
Bob Gentry, Lida Lenney, Toni Iseman: all three were local officials and environmental activists. In my nearly fifty years of living here, these are the mayors I remember for their courage and boldness in opposing offshore oil drilling, saving Laguna Canyon from developers’ bulldozers, and supporting climate action, respectively. Some of them drew statewide attention for their green leadership.
In a move that can only be described as a stroke of comedic genius, the city of Laguna Beach decided to tackle the issue of overcrowded tourist parking head-on. With a mischievous twinkle in their eyes, the city council replaced the parking lot at the Village Entrance with a new one that had a staggering 100 fewer parking stalls.
Councilman George Weiss began his PR campaign last week to defend himself over claims that he created a hostile workplace that left our city manager with just two options: sue the city or take early retirement.