Bikram Singh Majithia News Latest: Former Punjab Minister and Leader of Shiromani Akali Dal, Bikram Singh Majithia did not comply with the second summons issued by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) in connection with the ongoing drug case investigation. The SIT had earlier summoned Majithia on December 27, following his appearance on December 18, raising questions about his non-compliance.
Punjab’s top BJP leadership has been summoned to Delhi by the party’s top brass to deliberate on the post-breaking of the alliance with SAD (B) scenario especially in wake of the re-emergence of Bikram Singh Majithia in Akali politics.
Former Punjab minister and senior Akali leader Bikram Singh Majithia on Tuesday demanded clearance of dues of sugarcane growers by the state government as well as private sugar mills.
DNA Special: Assembly Elections 2022 - A new era of Yogi-Modi starts in UP - Those who were claiming that there was a wave against Yogi Adityanath, today they understood that the wave was going in his favour, not against him.