The ED has now arrested the former BSP MLA, Mukhtar Ansari who is currently lodged in Uttar Pradesh s Banda jail, The ED has said that there was crucial evidence against him on the basis of which he has been placed under arrest. 📰 Money Laundering Case: ED Arrests Jailed Gangster-Turned-Politician Mukhtar Ansari Under PMLA.
The Enforcement Directorate has arrested Abbas Ansari, the son of ganster-turned-politician Mukhtar Ansari, in connection with a Prevention of Money Laundering case, officials said on Saturday.He was placed under arrest late on Friday night .
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) today said it had attached seven immovable properties of arrested Uttar Pradesh gangster-turned-politician Mukhtar Ansari as part of a probe against him and his family under the provisions of the PMLA.