BJP leader Vijender Gupta moved the Delhi High Court on Thursday challenging his one-year suspension from the Delhi assembly by the Speaker. His plea was mentioned by senior advocate Jayant Mehta before a bench of Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma and Justice Sachin Datta.
The bench agreed to
A BJP delegation met Delhi Lt Governor VK Saxena on Thursday and complained to him that the budget details were leaked on social media allegedly by the AAP before the document was tabled in the assembly.
Led by the leader of opposition in the assembly Ramvir Singh Bidhuri, the BJP MLAs also
The Delhi High Court on Friday permitted Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Vijender Gupta to attend Delhi Assembly from Monday for the remainder of the budget session, a day after the BJP leader had moved the court challenging his one-year .
The Delhi high court on Friday set aside the one-year suspension of BJP lawmaker Vijender Gupta from the Delhi legislative assembly and permitted him to attend the remaining budget session while directing him to maintain the dignity of the House.