Here was, first, a white man, admitting that he was prejudice, which for people of color was, we kind of just say finally. We take you live to the washington counsel of lawyers. Well hear about some of the Big Decisions this last term. Introductions began just a moment ago. Paul has argued before the Supreme Court 21 times. I was lucky enough to be in the chamber of the Supreme Court when he argued on behalf of the plaintiffs in the landmark gay rights case. As a young man gay man considering whether to attend law school, i had slept on the sidewalk outside the Supreme Court for the chance to enter the chamber and observe a pursuit of justice. I would have been really bummed if i hadnt gotten in. It paid off and i was able to hear the oral arguments which were amazing. In addition, paul has argued a number of important voting ri t rights cases. One involving partisan jerry man gerrymandering. Paul has been honored nationally by a variety of publications and organizations in recognition
Here at the George University and is my distinct honor and pleasure to introduce our third moderator for today, tom shanker. Tom is the director of our project for and National Security in the of media and public affairs, which is part of our Columbian College of arts and sciences. Tom was named to his position in june of 2021. After nearly a quarter century with the New York Times, including 13 years as a pentagon correspond and in covering the depart department of defense overseas combat operations and National Security, he most recently as the deputy washington editor, the times managing coverage of the military diplomacy and Veterans Affairs early in the war in afghanistan, tom was embedded with Army Special Forces at kandahar and subsequently conducted of reporting trips to afghanistan and in iraq. Toms new book is entitled age of danger keeping safe in an era of new superpowers, new and new threats. It will be published on may 9th. Tom we look forward to your panel. Beyond the wa
Good evening. Im executive director of the John F Kennedy library foundation. And on behalf of my library and foundation, im delighted to welcome all of you who are watching online as well as those of you who are in person with us today. I would also like to acknowledge the generous support of our underwriters of the kennedy forums lead sponsors, bank of america and the lowell institute, and our media sponsor, the boston. And many thanks. The White House Correspondents association. All of your partnership and cooperation to make tonights program a reality we look forward to robust question and answer period tonight. If youre joining us online, youll see full instructions on screen for submitting your questions via email or comments on our youtube page during the program. When the q a starts, we will invite those of you who are joining us in person today, today to proceed to the microphones that are in the aisles to ask your questions. It is fitting that are hosting tonights conversatio
Really. Ours years later. Im christopher bracey, pearl provost and executive Vice President for Academic Affairs here at the George University and is my distinct honor and pleasure to introduce our third moderator for today, tom shanker. Tom is the director of our project for and National Security in the of media and public affairs, which is part of our Columbian College of arts and sciences. Tom was named to his position in june of 2021. After nearly a quarter century with the New York Times, including 13 years as a pentagon correspond and in covering the depart department of defense overseas combat operations and National Security, he most recently as the deputy washington editor, the times managing coverage of the military diplomacy and Veterans Affairs early in the war in afghanistan, tom was embedded with Army Special Forces at kandahar and subsequently conducted of reporting trips to afghanistan and in iraq. Toms new book is entitled age of danger keeping safe in an era of new su
Well get reaction from bratislava, and we will discuss what it means 3 weeks from european elections. Good evening. In the last hour doctors treating the slovakian Prime Minister robert fico, said he is still undergoing surgery and is in a critical condition. Slovakia has always been known as a country of people who are tolerant, people who are accepting of other opinions and people who are always able to discuss. What happened today is a stigma which will haunt us for many years to come. But that is something that none of us think about at the moment. All we are focusing on is the condition of the Prime Minister robert fico, and we hope that he is Strong Enough to deal with this drama. In the first place i would like to assure the public that we will make Everything Thatis Public that we will make everything that is in our power to investigate this heinous crime. We are doing this heinous crime. We are doing this at the moment as we speak. The initial information we have clearly point