Cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni has filed a lawsuit in the Ranchi court against two officials of Aarka Sports and Management Limited, accusing them of fraud amounting to over Rs 15 crore.The case has been filed against Mihir Diwakar and Soumya .
According to court records, a complaint was filed on October 17 by Dhoni through one Seemant Lohani, seeking an inquiry under IPC sections 406 (criminal breach of trust) and 420 (cheating).
Cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni has filed a lawsuit in the Ranchi court against two officials of Aarka Sports and Management Limited, accusing them of fraud amounting to over Rs 15 crore.
The Chennai Super Kings (CSK) captain has filed a criminal case against Mihir Diwakar and Soumya Vishwash of Aarka Sports and Management Limited in a Ranchi court.