Jaipur Police have arrested a former business partner of cricketer MS Dhoni over a fraud complaint filed by him. Mihir Diwakar, who is also a childhood friend of the former India skipper, was picked up from Noida Sector-16 late Wednesday night.
The troubles for Mihir Diwakar and Soumya Vishwas are likely to increase further after cases of cheating were registered against them in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.
The troubles for Mihir Diwakar and Soumya Vishwas, the directors of Aarka Sports and Management Limited, and former business partners of cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni, are likely to increase further after cases of cheating were registered .
The troubles for Mihir Diwakar and Soumya Vishwas, the directors of Aarka Sports and Management Limited, and former business partners of cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni, are likely to increase further after cases of cheating were registered .