“The Left must provide a counternarrative to the two major nationalist narratives, that of the Congress and that of the BJP, in an era of duelling hyper-nationalism.”
The Supreme Court on Friday (13th Oct) stayed the division bench judgment of the Allahabad High Court, which had directed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to conduct a preliminary inquiry.
The Supreme Court on Friday stayed an order passed by the Allahabad High Court ordering a CBI probe into the staff recruitment process of Uttar Pradesh Vidhan Parishad (Legislative Council).A bench of Justices Hrishikesh Roy and Sanjay Karol .
NOMINAL INDEX U.P. Cooperative Federation Limited through its Managing Director and Another v. Presiding Officer, Industrial Tribunal (2), U. P. Lucknow and two others 2023 LiveLaw (AB) 356 .
The Centre has set a December-end deadline for the first unit of the under-construction 1,980 MW thermal plant at Ghatampur in Kanpur. The Neyveli Uttar Pradesh Power Ltd is setting up the coal-fired power plant, with the first unit expected to be operational by November-end. The project has faced delays due to financial issues and disruptions caused by Covid-19 and farmer protests. 75% of the power produced by the plant will go to Uttar Pradesh, while the remaining 25% will be sold to Assam.