Mufti had reached Bafliaz region of Poonch in Jammu on Saturday along with few of her party members. However, the local police stopped her a few kms ahead of Topa Pir village and didnt allow her contingent to move further. They put a concertina wire on the road and female police personnel tried to remove Mufti from the road, where she protested against the administration decision.
Canada will deny temporary residency to Iran's former health minister Hassan Ghazizadeh Hashemi, Canadian Immigration Minister Marc Miller said on Monday, citing Tehran's human rights record, after Hashemi was reportedly seen in Montreal. "Based on an assessment of the relevant facts recently brought to my attention, I have exercised my authority under s. 22.1 of the IRPA to prevent Mr. Seyed Hassan Ghazizadeh Hashemi from becoming a temporary resident of Canada for the maximum period of 36 months," Miller said in a post on X, formerly Twitter.
The refusal is part of efforts to prevent the criminal act of trafficking in persons or TIP in the area. During this year until July 5 2023, 74 bodies of migrant workers were returned to NTT.