03/03/2023 - The historical film centred around a young woman who faced turbulent, hard and dark times stars Daniela Brown, Blanca Romero and Carlos Cuevas
03/03/2023 - The historical film centred around a young woman who faced turbulent, hard and dark times stars Daniela Brown, Blanca Romero and Carlos Cuevas
02/03/2023 - The recent Goya winner heads the cast alongside Hovik Keuchkerian in the adaptation of Sara Mesa's novel of the same name, directed by the Catalan filmmaker
02/03/2023 - The recent Goya winner heads the cast alongside Hovik Keuchkerian in the adaptation of Sara Mesa's novel of the same name, directed by the Catalan filmmaker
23/02/2023 - BERLINALE 2023: The Basque filmmaker debuts with a poignant story about families that work as social beehives and where it is difficult to accept difference