03/03/2023 - The historical film centred around a young woman who faced turbulent, hard and dark times stars Daniela Brown, Blanca Romero and Carlos Cuevas
03/03/2023 - The historical film centred around a young woman who faced turbulent, hard and dark times stars Daniela Brown, Blanca Romero and Carlos Cuevas
film profile] (2015), and this one, which is now landing in Spanish movie theatres. Appearing in both titles is the director’s pet actress (
Patricia Reyes Spíndola), but the former’s urban and nocturnal squalor, populated by dwarves, pimps and prostitutes, has been swapped out for a more diurnal, home-based story, but one that’s just as audacious when it comes to serving as a mirror of the human being and its basest of acts.
Here, it’s just one married couple, their maid and the husband’s lover whom we see (plus the odd brief appearance, such as the dancing partner played by
17/02/2021 - The filmmaker is directing Anna Castillo and Oriol Pla in an optimistic, passionate and intense story that unfolds in various settings in Catalonia and the city of Melilla