The Build for Bharat initiative was started in New Delhi in December last year in collaboration with the governments Startup India platform, Google Cloud India, Antler in India, Protean and Paytm. It was organised in more than 50 cities with experts, leaders, venture capitalists and incubators onboard.
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) leases 400,000 sq ft office space in Noida due to renewed demand. Delhi-NCR records highest leasing volume, with flex space sector leading. Supply increases, raising vacancy rate. Large corporations drive demand. Cushman & Wakefield comments. IT-BPM sector records high volume.
​While DLF operates the majority of the Cyber City, the building taken by Smartworks is currently known as Reliance House and is owned by an independent owner. The company is currently conducting due diligence and may sign the final agreement in the first week of November, sources said on condition of anonymity.