about that vial message. mitt romney weighed in, i can t understand why the president would once again dispar ram a man as complexemplary as john m. just moments ago, we got the roots on the obamacare vote. what have you learned about mccann? reporter: anderson, i talked to a former mccain aide who worked with the senator right up until his death and was around for when this repeal and replace vote went down when john mccain gave that now famous thumbs down to the gop repeal and replace plan and angered the us who, angered the president. you heard the president talk about that today. in the word of this aide, nope, never happened. he was not one to consult the white house before he acted and then this aide added the question, you re surprised that
continued to comment on mccain. i m very unhappy that he didn t repeal and replace obamacare as you know. he campaigned on repealing and replacing obamacare for years. then he got to a vote and he said thumbs down. ourp country would have saved a trillion dollars and we would have had great healthcare. so he campaigned. he told us hours before that he was going to repeople and replace and then for some reason i think i understand the reason, he end up going thumbs up. frankly, had we known that, we would have gotten the vote. we could have gotten somebody else. i think that s disgraceful. plus, there are other things. i was never a fan of john mccain, i never will be. you don t have to be a fan to respect there s e memory or recognize their undeniable service to the country. you don t have to the contractor be a stable genius to understand your word and deeds can have circumstances. they can inspire. why cindy mccain made a message
they don t talk tough, necessarily. i mean, they you know they often are the quietest person in the room. yeah, indeed. it s just an old rule. the guy that brags at the bar wasn t a he. reporter: and i, mile, i have been privileged to know some men and women, i regard as genuine heroes. john mccain i knew slightly as well. and no they don t shoot off their mouths. they don t gratuitously insult people. they don t incite hatred. on the contrary the people who have actually served this country so well with john mccain, his generation is a leading example, they don t, they just don t behave like trump. it s interesting, because i used to think or at times i thought, okay, there is a political reason for the president to be doing something or for tweeting something or kind of change the message,
our history and be utterly appalled and disgusted because i ll tell you, as an intelligence officer, i was a really good analystment i had an incredible track record. i could never foresee the american people electing someone like donald trump. i m just wondering also, it s a little off topic. i was kur yes, sir when this happened to get your take on it. when the president talked about having the military and the police and construction workers and bikers on his side and they re tough people and that they re peaceful. he hopes that i stay that way. it would get really bad if they didn t. i was surprised by that. i mean, i don t know of other ways to look at it other than, you know, he s saying he has armed forces on his side. he s saying he has the police. you know, that seems to be the kind of a message you know you would hear from some you know dictator in some other country from some wannabe strong man.
we are white racists and believe in hard work and believe in the family and we believe in fighting for our race. paranoid deluxe. the jews got israel and they have their racially pure state and they are doing well by that. whites don t have it and we need it. and always ready for a fight. in the 1990s they brought their hate to a parkland summit in janesville, wisconsin. and later continued spreading their vial message. the holocaust, did it happen? does it matter? does it matter? then on april 19, 1995 in oklahoma city, it mor morphed o mass murder. the murkowsk federal office bug blown apart by tim mowthy mikvah. this took that because that was where the orders for the attack on waco came from. a decorated army veteran,