continued to comment on mccain. >> i'm very unhappy that he didn't repeal and replace obamacare as you know. he campaigned on repealing and replacing obamacare for years. then he got to a vote and he said thumbs down. ourp country would have saved a trillion dollars and we would have had great healthcare. so he campaigned. he told us hours before that he was going to repeople and replace and then for some reason i think i understand the reason, he end up going thumbs up. frankly, had we known that, we would have gotten the vote. we could have gotten somebody else. i think that's disgraceful. plus, there are other things. i was never a fan of john mccain, i never will be. >> you don't have to be a fan to respect there's e memory or recognize their undeniable service to the country. you don't have to the contractor be a stable genius to understand your word and deeds can have circumstances. they can inspire. why cindy mccain made a message