experts out there who know how executive orders are vetted in an administration, they apparently, the reporting is they did not vet this through the office of the justice department, which is the typical way to do this and frank lirks they ve left themselves open to the aclu and others coming in and having a victory in the courts because they didn t vet it. they didn t have the lawyers ready with arguments. so rngs i assume that this is part of just a new administration trying to do something and not knowing how to do it properly. the opponents of this executive order, that s sort of good news because it s left them with some decent legal arguments to attack it. all right, thank you so much. i appreciate it. coming up, a man who advised president trump on national security issues, fends this travel ban. we re going to ask him how the president might react to protests going forward. you are live in the cnn news
with chelsea manning comes in the middle of this furor with donald trump accusing the intelligence community of leaking. all this does is elevate and say this is how it can work. here is one person, an army private, who gave this stuff to wikileaks. i mean, it could have been the washington post. it could have been any number of media sources. the point is what this does is highlight donald trump s complaint exactly. it also speaks to the new world that we have where if you gave it to the washington post they would hopefully presumably vet it, decide what to release and what not to. this speaks to the buzzfeed story. when you just have a data dump shovel it out. and shovel it out. what we have created is a situation where a low level intelligence analyst gets to decide for the good of america to be a whistle-blower. but the ability to discern the damage that could be done.
harris: the bar is different, though. so if you or are were tipped last summer, because this information was out pretty widely, other journalist knew about it. i was in wausau, wisconsin, and i heard about it. tickle your cut husband is sitting husbanding sitting member of congress, so i m sure you get that. my point is the onus falls on that intel agency to look at it differently than you are i would look at it even in the media. the vetting progress process that they go through, clapper s has to be different head i hear what you are saying, oh it was just kind of out there. julie, if we went based on what is out there and we didn t vet it in such a gentle way or we ve added it into gentle away, this is what you get. so my question for james clapper is, when did you find out a that it wasn t true, be that it had been leaked, and see that you may be needed to tell somebody before it hit the incoming president. julie: may i answer? first of all, he hasn t said if you look at this,
that, in fact, there is no there there, but he doesn t know that? that he doesn t know there s any there there. there may be something there, may not be anything there. they simply don t know yet. i mean, that s the case everyday fbi agents or investigators go to work. right? every day something could happen. there could be a phone call. someone could walk in the door with new information. you know, unless you get that information and you vet it, then there s nothing to report. peter zeidanberg, thanks very much for coming in. appreciate your perspective. happy to. thank you very much. coming up, paul ryan faces a tough fight to hold on to his speakership amid turmoil. fellow republicans criticizing his tepid support of donald trump. we ll talk to a republican congressman who says an effort to oust the speaker could be growing. we ll be right back.
give you the information. that s correct. these things are very fluid. we have to have a structure set up where you can assess the information as it comes in, vet it and make the proper decision. we re dealing here with several parallel investigations. you have an enormous crime scene that spans three locations right now. you have leads coming in, people checking backgrounds, people checking weapons. finding out the ownership of that car. there are several directions the investigation is going in. and you have to give it time for all of it to congeal with the proper set of facts. and we all have to keep in mind that whatever the agents and detectives and police officers are doing out there could end up in a courtroom and it has to be done a certain way in order for that information and evidence to get into a courtroom.