My childrens godfather is a former special forces group and he had a line he got from a commander somewhere in his career that said there are some peoplpeople just need killing. Some you will not be able to reason with or negotiate with and there is just evil in the world and that is kind of the approach he takes. He doesnt necessarily like it when he knows it needs to be done he went out and he does it. He runs through the bucs as a combination of multiple people that ive known in the world of government, diplomacy, part of government. Hhes actually named after somebody right here in dc who processes fisa warrants for the prophetic justice. So there is one over at doj, real life, and i hope it is a great name for a character. He is a collection of these people and then what i tell folks is that hes my alter ego. He gets to go and do the things my wife wont let me do. She let me go to afghanistan but she drew the line of chasing female operatives. So there is a line i cant cross. Host
A balticon dont you know. It was only after learning that a song should slept with both of them at the women decided to go to the police that proved a turning point both for wiki leaks founder Julian Assange it was when this story took a very different. Women went to the police. Ones there to report her rape their report they wanted to encourage him to have a vetos because theyve had sex with him unprotected and. So there was no like actual rape right there was no violence there although all the newspapers afterwards they were saying rape allegations rape allegations there was no actual rape that this is Serious Business is that this is exactly this is that was the aim. The whole exercise to stop hearing the would rape in connection with. The best occasion in which it exonerate onto good feelings and the sound of. My snow in the rain mouthing a string gazing is another story and even more news in the renomination. In many peoples minds theres something suspicious about him and because
Studio so theres only one theres only one bed in attention im going to be away you can stay so greg raymer of the things chang and the woman came back to early and. Wanted julian to stay there anyway. Those women they really approached him it seems like especially the younger ones saw him on t. V. Fell into law whatever that means to be the 1st in it it looks like someone who wants to be a Rock N Roll Group feels nothing approaching him and really chasing him down and finally she also succeeds in it and they share a one eyed stead which at some point becomes a bolt you know. It was only after learning that a song should slept with both of them at the women decided to go to the police that proved to turning point both from wiki leaks founder Julian Assange. It was when this story took a very different. Women went to the police. And once thats a reporter rape their report they wanted to encourage him to have an h. R. Vitos because they have had sex with him unprotected and were concerned
Was only after learning that a song should slept with both of them at the women decided to go to the police that proved to turning point both phone wiki leaks founder Julian Assange on it was when this story took a very different. Women went to the police. Ones there to report her rape their report they wanted to encourage him to have an h. R. Vetoes because they have had sex with him unprotected more concerned about. So there was no like actual rape right there was no violence there although all the newspapers afterwards they were saying Rape Allegations Rape Allegations there was no actual rape because this is ridiculous this is that this is exactly this is that was the aim of the whole exercise to start hearing the word rape in connection with. Destination and. On to new links in the sound and youll. Know when the Rape Allegation allegation ring casing inside the city of new music in the rain unleashed. In many peoples minds theres something suspicious about him and because he hasnt
So there was no like actual rape right there was no violence there although all the newspapers afterwards they were saying Rape Allegations Rape Allegations there was no actual rape there was this is this miss this is this is exactly this is that was the aim of the whole exercise to start hearing the word rape in connection with Julian Assange. Destination and wiki leaks in our ancient israel to links in the round and you just saw me in there with a Rape Allegation only a shrink easing is really more news in the renomination. In many peoples minds theres something suspicious about him and i left because he hasnt and hes run away from. I think it would have been better had he gone to sweden because i think he needed his opportunity to clear his name but. At the same time i completely understand why he didnt see the problem in sweden who its not a country where. In addition to the media climate has been set up in sweden. I think that if. Julian went to sweden at that point he would have