and then you have the case in 1942 why do you want to change the why do you want to abuse it? it was never intended wait a minute, if it s wrong, it s unconstitutional. you ask me why i want to change it, let me tell you why. the 14th amendment is the constitution, the 14th amendment can t be unconstitutional, it is the constitution. if in fact it that s a great spin. one at a time. let me paul, let paul go ahead and then i ll let you respond. paul? okay. part of the constitution cannot be unconstitutional. well, illogic. that s fine. second, if it only applies to african-americans, which is clearly wrong. and the senator is wrong on his reference. you don t need to change it. he wants it, and some others, senator kyl, senator from arizona has picked this up, senator lindsey graham of south carolina has become a big talking point among some in the republican party. the notion that we re going to