Areas especially prone, the north shore and the seacoast. Notice by noontime, you guys have that little bit of moisture on the map boston 39 degrees at lunch and to the south and east in the 40s my friends and during the afternoon hours we hold steady here. We dont see that much of a warmup until after lunchtime. 36 to 44 degrees. Increasing clouds. Also a chance for drizzle. I will show you when it starts to a more. Julie, how are things shaping up right is now in. Well, we are seeing a car being towed off the zakim bridge right now. A tow truck just arrived. A stall on the far right hand side of the northbound lane where all the flashing lights are. Within the next 15 minutes, i expect it to be cleared out and reopened. So we head over to the maps, things are moving along fine on route 1 and 93 south. Waiting for this accident to clear on 128 southbound right before the braintree split. The live drive times. 23 minutes on the pike from 495 16 minutes on the expressway from the braint
Pushing towards hatteras and see what will side the camera over little bit and luke this radar and you can see how some of this whether down around smithfield North Carolina down to newton grove this up is kind of drifting off to the north northeast will see some of this moisture kind of streaming into the picture a little bit later i was in tracking showers out to the west over the mountains and mixed precipitation from high elevations for our area again were dry right now temperatures still in the low to mid forties in the upper forties to mid fifties across the immediate metro close to the co she finds warmer readings. Lets take a quick look at the twenty four hour temperature change or very close to or yesterday but in general temperatures through the afternoon will top out around fifty to maybe fifty three degrees officially some of those coastal areas a little bit warmer and we do have the chance three for hockey season. Isolated showers could develop to have that chance not a tr
Pof a bridge near the sunshine pskyway and the person accused of pdoing it her own father. Ptoday a local man is honking her phermble are of that in a special pway. P reporter the runner said pnot to remember the tragic date pof her death but remember the plife that phoebe lived. Pher grandmother michelle pjonchuck says the pain is as preal as the day it happened. P she cared she had a huge pheart. Pshe helped everybody, you know,. Pit just i never will forget pher. P michelle says there isnt one pday that she doesnt think of pher granddaughter or is reminded pof her death. Pformer army ranger will run for p3 days nonstop hes doing this pto remember phoebe a year ago ptoday officers say her father pjohn wilson chuck took her and ptossed her off of a bridge pbefore the skyway. Poutpouring of support has been pfelt since the time of her pdeath. Pthe grandmother will walk part pof that route. Pthe runner is expected to take poff from 12 30. Pfrom Tampa Kimberly kuizon pfox news. P convict
Resilient, whic ways that we bee are going to help both businesses and consumers. The bill includes investments in Energy Storage which helps integrate Renewable Energy. It has provisions for advanced grid technologies, which really help make our electricity grid smarter and more intelligent to move Energy Around more efficiently. It has Cybersecurity Research and development. I dont think there will be anybody here in the senate that wont support this more robust effort on cybersecurity, given the challenges and threats we face. It has a focus on new renewable technologies, which are great brickintroduce in helping to which are great breakthroughs in helping to drive some costs. The cost is basically onethird to onehalf less of newgeneration services. This chart here focusing on that is the question of whether you want to pay 4. 6 cents a kilowatt for production or 12 cents a kilowatt for production. I know this id rather pay 4. 6 cents. I would rather drive the efficiency down to the
Will that change . We shall see. For now, trump says he will be a noshow. The next logical question that comes that this is how will this affect the outcome on monday night . The iowa caucus, just five days until that. If you buy scientific polling, that wont have any time to write and because the data will be monday night and the iowa caucuses. I will point you to one figure from the latest fox news poll that did have it released a few days ago. Its about the undecided that we are always talking about islands to make up their minds in the last moments. That is a big piece of the pie here in iowa. 33 of Iowa Republicans say it is possible they could change their minds between now and monday night and we will see if that happened. The candidates have been weighing in on of this all day long and on nightline yesterday about what to make of donald trump saying he would not be here tomorrow night. They will not be anywhere from attacking to joking. It is not about him. Its not about me. It