Pof a bridge near the sunshine pskyway and the person accused of pdoing it her own father. Ptoday a local man is honking her phermble are of that in a special pway. P reporter the runner said pnot to remember the tragic date pof her death but remember the plife that phoebe lived. Pher grandmother michelle pjonchuck says the pain is as preal as the day it happened. P she cared she had a huge pheart. Pshe helped everybody, you know,. Pit just i never will forget pher. P michelle says there isnt one pday that she doesnt think of pher granddaughter or is reminded pof her death. Pformer army ranger will run for p3 days nonstop hes doing this pto remember phoebe a year ago ptoday officers say her father pjohn wilson chuck took her and ptossed her off of a bridge pbefore the skyway. Poutpouring of support has been pfelt since the time of her pdeath. Pthe grandmother will walk part pof that route. Pthe runner is expected to take poff from 12 30. Pfrom Tampa Kimberly kuizon pfox news. P convicted serial killer oscar prabowlen was put to death last pnight. Phis case had already dragged on pfor decades. Pthe state waited more than 4 phours for the Supreme Court to preact his final appeal. Pbowlin was finally pronounced pdead at 10 16 last night. Pfox 13 lloyd sowers was one of pthe witnesses. Phe died 10 minutes after the plethal drugs were first pinjected. Pthere was little families the pfamily of bowlins victims, no psmiles, no tears. Pbohlin was convicted of killing p3 bay area women back in the p1980s. Phe had 10 trials and spent 2 pdecades on death row. Pkathleen reeves the mother of pone of his victims spoke after pthe execution. Plonger having to worry or wonder pif or when we would have to pendure another trial, another pappeal or after 29plus years we pcould expect any justice at all. Punlike Natalie Holloway who assed away, i will i will go pto my grave knowing i had pexperienced closure in my pdaughters murder. P bowlin by the way never padmitted to any of the killings phe was convicted of and he pdidnt say anything to the pfamilies last night. Pthe st. Pete city council has a pfew days to look over a new deal pthat would allow the tampa rays pto look outside the city for a pnew home. Pthe mayor just addressed the otential deal and fox 13 pchris chmura joins us with what pthe mayor had to say. P good afternoon, linda. Punder the agreement the rays pmust stay in st. Petersburg puntil 2018. Pbut after 2018 the rays could pmove ending their contract 9 pyears early. Pcity 24 million for each of pthey leave prematurely. Ptheres also a shared escrow paccount in this deal that would pbe funded by the development of pthe dome site. Pthat provision is called a big pdeal. P its a real character to the prays real incentive to them to pstay because now you got a 34069 pmoney that you can see that otentially can be utilized for pthem to offset the cost in pbuilding a new stadium. Pthats a big deal. P so what about the p[inaudible] p well, keeping the rays is a pbig deal while we know what they pdo on the field its the off the pfield contributions that also pmean a lot. Pfox 13 Shayla Reaves shows us phow the team is stepping up to pthe plate to help habitat for phumanity. Phumanity. Pmaking the dream of phomeownership for real in ptampa bay. Pim here with Lakeba Wallace pthis is going to be your first phome. Phow does it feel to have all pthis work happening behind you. P it feels wonderful just being pout here on my own site and phaving the rays and my sister pdoing my own home so its pwonderful. P and this will be the first ptime youve had a chance to own pyour own home and the thought of pgetting those keys im sure pyouve dreamed about it. P i always dreamed about having pmy own home so the thought of pgetting my keys is actually pexciting, um, i cant wait. P[laughter] p to have my own home. P[laughter] p there go my keys. P[laughter] p and for you and your daughter pi guess how is it going to pchange your life from where pyouve been and where you will pbe when this is completed . P actually, ive been a single pmother raising a texas ranger so pive been doing it for what, pshes 17, 17 years now on my pown, me and her being able to phave our own home is going to pchafining a lot. Pgraduation surprise or welcome por gift for a senior thatll be pfinishing up this year. Pmy last question for you, you phad you to put in a lot of hours pnot only on your home youre pstarting today but also on other phomes in the area. Pyou had to take some classes. Pit wasnt easy getting to this oint, huh . P no it was not. Pwhen they say its sweat equity pits really sweat equity hours. Pi have 200 hours now i have to pdo 50 on my own home as of today pthis is making my mark to my 50 phours so p but last but not least before pwe let you go what kinds of pactivities are going to be phappening here on this first day pfor all these volunteers and pyou . P um, the trust date is putting pup the roof is what were doing pnow so were actually putting pthe roof up. P all right. Pthen well, well let you get pback to work and, of course, pthis is a project thats phappening a little bit more pquickly than normal we know the prays are trying to get off to pthe Training Camp pretty soon so pthis project lasting 5 weeks pinstead of the usual 8 but there pare volunteers, staffers with pcommitting hundreds of hours to phelp make that dream real for plakeba and her daughter. Pso were going to let them get pback to work and well keep you osted as we learn more guys, pback to you. P all right. Pheres a warning for anyone pheading to tampa bay pinternational airport today. Pit just got a lot harder to find pa parking spot. Ptwo floors of the shortterm arking garage are now pofficially closed. Pits part of an ongoing pconstruction project at the pairport. Pthe two floors closed yesterday pthey dont open until pmidfebruary. Ptravelers can still use the peconomy garage for 10 a day. Pa shuttle will take you to and pfrom the terminal if youre icking up drivers can wait puntil the cell phone lot until ptheir passenger is ready. Pwe just found out that a big pstar will be joining coldplay pfor the super bowl half time pshow and a lot of people are ptalking about her today on psocial media. Pfor a very different reason and pexpect Convenience Stores to be pready for folks hoping to buy a pchance at becoming an pmultimillionaire. Pthe Powerball Jackpot just pjumped again. Pwhere does that money go for pwell take a look. Lus, mike getting any rain for pthis forecast. P meteorologist not in the pafternoon but certainly in the we stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Because you believe in go. Onward. Carpe diem. Tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We g ive you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Tylenol. linda south korea is firing back at north korea on p south korea is firing back on pnorth korea. Pseouls weapons, however, is pnonlethal and its considered pnorth. Pfoxs benjamin hull is more in pengland with that. Psouth korea is taking action pagainst north korea resuming no preports and pop music which is pbanned in north texas i guess. Pnorth korea. Pthe south says its in pretaliation for the norths precent test. P[speaking in native tongue] p translator our military is pwatching north koreas movement pif they start any additional rovocation our military will pdeal seriously with it. P the nuclear test the fourth pfor north korea but first to pinvolve a Hydrogen Bomb many paround the world condemning the paction including china. Psecretary of state john kerry psays he agreed to give chinese pofficials space to implement ptheir own approach to pnorth korea but the time hears pto have run out. P today in my conversation with pthe chinese i made it very clear pcannot continue business as pusual. P reporter the chinese pgovernment for its part says the pissue did not start with china pand get not the key to solving pthe problem. Pthe country also calling for the pnorth to honor its commitment to pdenuclearization and refrain pfrom any action which could pheighten tensions. P[speaking in native tongue] p translator meanwhile other arts should stay calm and puphold the general direction of presolving in peace to resolve pactions. P reporter they started in pbroadcasts resulting in partillery fire and threats of pwar. Pin london benjamin hall, pfox news. P were watching wall street ptoday after a plunge in the pstock market. Pthat drop was in part is because pfalling oil prices and concerns pover chinas economy. Pmarkets are still volatile in pasia a day after trading in the pchinese stocks halted. Pchinas stock market sank about p7 on thursday after the it fell pagainst the lowest level since ptrading was automatically psuspended for the second time in p4 days well, that set off a pslump in asian and european pstocks, here in the u. S. The dow pjones dropped nearly 400 points pyesterday. P does fitbit make you work pout too hard . Pand more bosses said youre phired last month foxs lauren psimonetti has the afternoon preport. P p reporter the december jobs preport coming in well above pestimates with the u. S. Economy padding 292,000 jobs last month. Pthe Unemployment Rate holding psteady at a 7year low of 5 . Pthis is as more people enter the pworkforce. Pbad news for fitbit the maker of pwearable devices sued because pcustomers claim their heart rate pmonitors tricked them into pworking out much harder than pthey should have. Pthe Class Action Lawsuit seeks pto compensate users for economic pinjuries, fitbit denies the pallegations. Pthe good news if youre booking pa vacation, the low cost carrier p42 new routes in the next couple pof months saving fliers as much pas 70 . Pthat means one way tickets could pcost as low as 39 bucks. Pthe hitch is the new routes are pbeing flown a few times a week pand inconvenient times. Pthe city seeing the biggest psavings will be cincinnati, hiladelphia and phoenix. Pand taco bell is releasing a psecret new menu item during the psuper bowl next month all we pknow now is its being called ptheir biggest food creation yet. Pstay tuned. Pthats business for more check pout fox business news. Com. Pin new york im lauren psimonetti. P beyonce will join coldplay. Epsi who sponsored the show psaying she will definitely be a pguest shore. Pshe was the half time show for pthe 2013 show and she was great pwell, beyonce was channing ptatums choice to see if he k p lip sync. P[inaudible] p in the world at the very pspecial moment. Pits so funny. Ptake a look. Psnoet p i love that. Pall the way down from like the pmakeup to the fan blowing the phair back. P oh, my gosh and, of course, pthe outfit. Pso he does have the moves but phis wife jen is the first to see pit look who walks out she pdoes not walk, she struts. Pbeyonce herself and then they pfinish the song. Pcheck it out. Pthats the reaction of his wife pjenna by the way is a great pdancer if you would like to see pthat whole video head over to my pFacebook Page and like the page plook for fox 13 look for me pon fox13news. Com. Pits good for a laugh on friday pafternoon you can watch it at p meteorologist clean pentertainment. Phave you ever seen that show. P watching that clip makes me pwant to watch it because that pwas hilarious. P its a pretty funny show but pchanning tatum i got to give him pwhen he first came out my fiance ploves him so maybe that was part pof the reason why i hated him so pmuch but p hes growing on you. Pthe wind blown hair. P thats got to be it. Phes a funny guy. P yeah, he is. Pa little bit of improvements pthis afternoon versus what we phad this morning. Pyou woke up this morning some prain out there. Peven heavy at times. Pthats all pushing off to the peast so are the clouds. Pheres a look at the visible psatellite picture and you can psee that cloud cover continuing pto now push to the east coast. Pheres a look at some of our pcamera views. Pi see some of that sun across psorata beach. Pthis is looking east now, we phead back west you can see some pof those breaks in the clouds. Pi think overall thats what has pwere going to see this pafternoon not necessarily just pstraight sunshine but breaks in pthats going to help warm things pup inland lakeland you could see pstill a bit cloudy well wait to psee some breaks a little bit plater on. Pbreaks in sun warming ptemperatures into the mid70s. Pa couple of degrees warmer, in pfact, than where we were pyesterday. Pclouds thicken saturday. Pshowers, though, arriving late pso saturday kind of a flipflop pof what we saw today. Ptoday the showers early, the psunshine in the afternoon ptomorrow, a few breaks of sun to pstart the day. Plater on thats when we see the pshowers arrive. Pbest chance of showers, i think, pwill be saturday night and then pturning and staying cooler next pweek. Phigh temperatures topping out preally in the low 60s most of pthe days. P71 the current temperature. Pdew point is iis 5. Pa relative humidity at 81 . Pbarometer 29. 29ins steady and pwinds out of the southeast at 5 pmiles per hour. Pother temps around the area its p69 up in newport ricci. P73 in brandon. P74 already in bradenton. P64 at cross pier. Pclouds and a few showers just a plittle bit longer than everybody pso north 71 at brooksville and p70 in Crystal River the wider pview, a typical breakdown right, pyou got mid70s to the south, pmiami sitting at 78. Ensacola 56. Pcompared to yesterday at this ptime several degrees warmer, in pfact, 10 degrees warmer now than pyesterday at noon in tampa. Premember, yesterday yesterday pjust a chilly, chilly start of pthe day. P14 degrees warmer in sarasota. P10 he degrees warmer out at pmarathon, most of the state pfeeling warmer temperatures and pthat carries on in the day on psaturday. Pweak area of low pressure right pnow. Pthat kind of falls apart as it ushes east but again it did pbring us some showers earlier ptoday. Pfuturecast shows as we continues pto lift to the north and east pfew afternoon breaks of sun. Pthe next bigger system stronger psystem to push through arrives plater on in the evening. Pnotice 6 00 start to see some pshowers kind of showing up. Pi think were dry for the first pbest chance of seeing any kind pof rain would be the closer to pthe coast you get and later in pthe afternoon. Pevening and overnight tomorrow pthats going to be the best shot pat seeing the showers. Ptheres the cold front pushing pthrough, sunday, 5 00 pm were ptalking about cooler ptemperatures, continuing to pfunnel in by sunday night, were ptalking overnight lows back into pthe 40s so big, big changes pcoming once again. P75 for today. Pbreaks of sunshine. Pa warm afternoon for tonight, 64 pmostly cloudy, a pretty mild pnight. Paverage lower 50s. Pthen for today warm again 75 pshowers. Pmarine forecast today winds out pof the south 10 knots. Pgulf temperature 64 degrees. Pforecast. Pmid70s the next couple of days. Prain chance tomorrow about 50 . Pbest chance again late in the pday then 70 on the day, low 60s pthough as we head toward the pthrough thursday in the mid60s, plinda. P thank you, mike. Pyou may think your dog is smart pbut one canine is really smart. P[inaudible] p how shes making history at pand3 a Philadelphia Police a p a Philadelphia Police officer pis recovering after a gunman pambushed him while he was pcruiser. Pit happened late last night. Pan officer was driving when the pgunman approached his patrol pcar. Pwell, thats when Officials Say pthe man fired at least 13 pbullets through the window. Phe emptied his. 9 millimeter phandgun hitting hartnett 3 times pin the arm. Pthe officer was able to return pfire hitting the shooter at pleast 3 times now, the man did pofficers caught him. Pthe Police Commissioner says pits one of the scariest things pthat he has ever seen. P this guy tried to execute the olice officer. Pthe Police Officer had no idea phe was coming. Pits amazing hes alive. P the 5year veteran underwent psurgery in the hospital but he pis in stable condition. Pthe suspect was hospitalized pthat they have his condition is pnot known. Pwe dont have any idea on a pmultiple. Pwell, the British Government is pwondering by the side effects of pexcessive drinking saying even a pmoderate amount of the alcohol pcould lead to cancer. Pthe government just upped its pguidelines lowering the precommended amount of the weekly palcohol consumption to 14 units pfor men, down from 21 units. Pthat is equal to about 6 pints pweek. Pthe new guidelines also paddressed the weekly amount pversus the daily. Pofficialsnt to discourage pthinking drinking every day is pokay. Palcohol drinking levels. P you could call her a pcourthouse pet but tibet the phillsboro county courthouse dog pis really more than that. Pfox 13 angie davis introduces us pthe yellow lab who is making pstate history. P judge catherines courtroom pdeficit than the rest in the phillsboro county courthouse. P they get to pick out a pstuffed animal and take one out. P its designed to bring pcomfort to the countys youngest pvictims. P some of these children have phad horrific things that theyve pwitnessed or experienced, um, pand, of course, theyre reliving psome of that, um, when were pcoming to court. P but it is teddys and books ail in comparison to the pcourthouses fourlegged pemployee. P lets go. P reporter meet tibet. P this courtroom and the pcourthouse in general she knows pthis is her age where she has to pbe on her a game. Pthe first of her kind in pflorida. P so she can open and close pdoors she can turn on and off plight switches. P she can even turn the pages pof story books. P tibet, page. Pgood girl. P but sometimes her most owerful command is just being pthere. P[inaudible] p her presence was unknown to pthe jury and there were pconvictions on all counts. P while shes all business pwhile behind the stand dibet pdoes have a lighter side. P and pull a tennis pull out pand its all over. P its that lightness and love pthat allows her to help 500 pchildren a year through their pdarkest hours. Ptibet is a tool to hillsboro pcounty courthouse and a gift to pthe kids she works countless pfor. P the look of every childs ptibet or cuddle up with tibet pshe just makes life a little pbetter. P in tampa, angie davis, pfox 13 news. P well, tibets Success Story pinspired the Orange County court psystem to also try to get a dog. Plegislation is now being drafted pto fight to allow facility dogs pin courthouses throughout pflorida. P a medical miracle, how a pown gr yeah, thats right. Deal diva coming through. You see all my bogos, my weekly ad. Just wait till you see my savings. And brace yourself. The digital coupons are coming next. Look at her, so proud of her momma. You saved quite a bit today go ahead. Say it. Chaching thank you the weekly ad, bogos and coupons. Three easy ways to save at the same place you love to shop. Publix. Where shopping 3 a Big Development in that record Powerball Jackpot p a Big Development in that precord Powerball Jackpot. Pit just jumped to 800 million pfor tomorrow nights drawing and pbuying a Powerball Ticket can be pa big benefit. Pfox 13 explains. P reporter stores like this pone will be busy today pespecially tomorrow as everyone pwaits until the very last minute pto play that Powerball Jackpot. Pis that for every dollar you pspend a certain percentage of pthat will go to the classroom. Plisten to do so the florida plottery secretary says the owerball jackpot is not only a plifechanging opportunity for pany person but also it allows pthe lottery to generate over 40 pmillion dollars of revenue for pflorida students in schools, in pfact, in fiscal year 2014 2015 pthe Florida Lottery transferred p 1. 5 billion enhancement trust pfund the lotterys total pcontribution since startup is p 29 billion money going straight pto the classroom. Pno one has won the jackpot since pnovember. Pthe bigger the prize the more eople buy tickets that in turn pdrives up the jackpot. Pthe increased ticket sales also pmakes it more likely there will pbe a winner because all of those pextra tickets mean more number pcombinations are covered. P im trying to win. P reporter did you hear how pmuch it was . P reporter 700 million. P wow, i didnt know that. Pi should have gotten more. P[laughter] pthank you. P reporter if no one wins pthis week the powerball may plikely be a billion by next pweek. P thats a lot. Pthats a lot. Pill look forward to it. P if you are playing i highly precommend a quick pick 75 of pthe time is the Winning Tickets pit gives you of covering the plottery miticks you might want pto include 8, 54, 39, and 13. P[inaudible] p fox 13 news. P thank you. Pa slew of National Polls reveal pwe could be headed toward a pclintontrump general election pmatchup with less than a month pto go before the Iowa Caucuses pthe talks between the two camps p reporter there was tension pin the air as a donald trump pcampaign event was disrupted by pbernie sanders supporters in the psenators home state of vermont. Ptrump who described the race as resident as going to war as plittle everyone think for those ptrying to steal the spotlight. P you know its 10 degrees pbelow zero outside now, you can pkeep his coat, tell him well psend it to him in a couple of pweeks. P reporter turnover turned to pa more serious school. Phis proposal coming just 2 days pafter president obama announced pexecutive actions to curb gun pviolence. P do you recognize what a pgunfree zone for a sicko thats pbait. P reporter for weeks trump phas threatened his most pformidable foe on the democratic pside Hillary Clinton and her pclaim shes a champion for pwomen. P womens rights are human prights. P reporter trump releasing pthis ad contrasting clintons pown words with images of her pstanding next to accused rapist pcongressman Anthony Weiner whos pcaught in a sexting scandal. Pthe commercial piggy backs pverbal attacks launched by trump pin recent days against pbill clinton who hit the pcampaign trail on hillarys pbehave this week plagued himself pby public problems with women. P i dont have any response. Pif he wins the republican pnomination well have time to ptalk about it. Pi have no interest in getting pinvolved in their politics or pdoing anything except trying to phelp hillary. P reporter trump who had panticipated potential pdisruptions by sanders reporters pat his Vermont Campaign event pinvited 20,000 people to fill a p1400 seat venue. P a woman is found dead inside pher infant daughter hospital proom from an apparent overdose. Pmedical staff went to check on pthe 7 month old just a few hours pafter she had undergone trachea preconstruction they found her pfather was found in the bathroom palso unconscioused. Pthe couple overdosed on heroin. P for us it shocks the pconscience you can have your pchild are trying to and heroin pis so powerful, so overwhelming pthat you just do the drug pknowing that the possibility you pcould die. P both parents were found pcarrying guns. Pthe father was revived and faces pseveral charges. Pthe family is from alabama and pthe baby is recovering today. P the mother of aflewensa teen pethan couch just appeared nath pcourtroom. Ptonya couch was apprehended in pmexico. Pher son is accused of killing 4 eople in a drunk driving crash. Ptonya couch is now facing behind premembering of apprehension of a pfugitive. Pthe bond already been set at 1 pmillion but there will be a phearing on monday to discuss a ossible bond reduction. P in world news now, 6 people phave been killed after a bus paccident in turkey. Pand burma were on board. Pthey were being brought to pgreece when the bus hit a car on pa bridge and then fell into a priver bed. P2 children are among the dead. P30 other bugs passengers were ptaken to the hospital. P weeks of rain and flooding pcontinue to trench the u. K. In pscotland hundreds of people were precognized from their homes povernight. Pa river also overfloits banks psending emergency crews sending eople away from their homes. Pso theres this Electronics Show pgoing on in las vegas right now pand theyre showing off lots of pnew stuff but the biggest buzz pisnt coming from high tech pwearables or toys. Pfoxs Miguel Martinez tells us pits all about home safe home. P 2016, the year of the smart phome at ces from Big Companies pto startups. Pit seems like everyone was resenting the next step in home psecurity. P theyre growing into not just pabout being about safety but pcommunication. Eople are using cameras to pcheck in on things but theyre pactually using them to connect pwith the people and things that pto make sure their house is psafe. Pbut the technology presented pthis year goes beyond home palarms that contact law penforcement. P you can do more than just rotect your house with than a palarm you can actually open and pclose your door locks. Pyou could actually turn on and poff your thermostat whether pyoure away from home or even in pthe back bedroom. P theres outdoor face precognition that can text you pwhen it spots cars or animals or phumans outside the door. Pand theres even interactive pdoor bells where you can not ponly see whos at your door but palso let them in right from your phome. Peven smart home reps say their psystems isnt only good for home pvacations it can save you from pgetting your packages stolen pfrom the front porch. P[inaudible] p United States of america pull pup pup, in a secure place. P the optionals are many when pit comes to smart home ptechnology and with everyone ower to protect and control pyour home right in the palm of pyour hand. P a texas grandmother acted as pa surrogate for her daughter and pgave birth to her grandchild plisten to do so. P54yearold Tracy Thompson pcarried her grandchild for her p28yearold daughter for her pdaughter and her husband. Pthe couple have been struggling pfor infertility for 3 years. Pkelsey was born at the puniversity of plano. Pweighing 6 pounds 11 ounces her pname coming from the mom kelly pand grandmas tracy names. Pits kelly said it was a pblessing her mom was able to pcarry the child for her well, pleonardo dicaprio has a new pa review, next it stay many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. And even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. Thats why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. Okay. So right now, everyone is saying, hurry you gotta get fios. But why . Well, because theres never been a better time to get a great deal from fios, the Fastest Internet and wifi available. Only fios has speeds from 50 to 500 megs. Because your devices run better and for just 79. 99 a month online, internet, tv and phone for your plus with a 2year agreement, fios gives you 400 back, and all of the premium movie channels for a year. This is your last chance. Offer ends january 16th. 3 Leonardo Dicaprios latest movie the revenant opens in wide release this p Leonardo Dicaprios latest pmovie opens in wide release this pweekend. Pfox movie reviewer kevin pmccarthy gives us what the film pis about and its got plenty of poscar buzz. Psnoet p hey, everybody its kevin pmccarthy happy new year to you pand this is my first movie preview in 2013 its a leonardo pdicaprio movie and shot by the pincredible emanuel labess can i pwho won two back to back pacademy awards for his work on pgravity as well as a little film pcalled burn mail which won best icture and he shot one of my pfavorite movies of all time a pmovie called children of men. Pthe director of this new movie palso directed a film called pbabble and an amazing movie pcalled 21 grams. Pits based on true events about pthis character but it primarily ptalks about his revenge story pthe character hardy plays him it pstars will polluter and donald pgleason and the film is pincredibly shot. Pemanuel shot this movie with all pnatural light they had to shoot pat certain point of the days the pshoots was one of the most pincredibly hard shots for a pfilmmaking process. Pi loved, loved dicaprio in his pcareer i think he will win an pacademy award finally he never pwon an accurate before hes been pnominated 47 times but has never pwon he is phenomenal in the prole. Phe really got into it. Phe ate actual bison liver when pshooting the movie. Phardy is amazing that they have pit contains one of the intense psequences ive ever seen in my pentire life. Pits a bear sequence with pleonardo dicaprio. Pi wont give much away. P during this scene it is so pmindblowingly intense. Pnow, the film starts off a plittle bit slow at times theres psome scenes where it does drag pbut overall, as you leave the ptheater you know youve never pseen anything like this movie in pyour entire life its one of pthe i saw in 2015 it will pblow your mind from pcinematography standpoint and a erformance standpoint think pemanuels cinematography is pabsolutely genius and it really roves he can put you in a film pand make you think you are psitting are trying to with the pcharacters i give it 4. 5 out of p5 its brilliant film it does pdrag slightly but overall it is pworth seeing and i do think that pleonardo dicaprio will finally pwin his First Academy award in pthe best actor category. Pim kevin mccarthy, fox news. P okay, you heard it here. Phes going to win. Pheres a live look outside right pnow. Pyour forecast p p hey, everybody, im charlie pbelcher coming down to pTarpon Springs coming right down pat a replay amusement museum. Pyou think the arcade of pyesteryear and it is a museum pbecause theres games here that pi havent seen probably in 20 pyears or more. Pbrian is the man who owns the lace. Pits your collection that kind pof got out of control. P absolutely. Pit started with one and then it pbecomes 2 and next thing its pwhere were at. P so you decided well, instead pof just put them in storage ill pget a little place downtown and pshare it wefshgs and then i pcould put even more in them. P absolutely, its really a way pfor us to be able to expand it pand take a Historic District plike Tarpon Springs and be able pto put our own historic flavor pin the space. P yeah, lets talk pinball pfirst. Pdidnt your passion didnt preally start p no, no. P but it had to be a part of pit. Pthe one games its been 20 years pcan i still play it do i have pstill have it. Pyes its like this little seed pthat just grows and pinball pbecame a passion as an adult and pthe balls wild and its not plike linger a pattern of a game pand understanding how it works. Pthe game is going to be pdifferent every single time. P youve got some great old inball machines but theyre pstill making them. Pthis game the copyright are ptrying to says 2015. P it came out in september. P wow p yeah. P so theyre still making p yep, yep. Ptheres actually, as of yes pthey unveiled a new spiderman pgame in ces. P the one behind you metallica pgame 2013. Pits interesting. Pim fascinated by that that ptheyre still making these games pnow, when i think of an arcade, pthough, this is my wheel house pright here er. Pdonkey kong, donkey kong, jr. Pyouve almost got them all. P yeah, the pacmans, the gal pgas, the frogger parcade at the mall or stel pskating rink Bowling Alley for psome. Pwortd p at the Bowling Alley or the pfirst time you and your friends pdid something together it takes pyou right back. P you were more advanced than i pwas. P[laughter] p i had plenty of time in the parcades and i lived with the pi was talking with kids with ptheir controls and a billion pbuttons. Plook, kids, we have one pjoystick, maybe a button. Pmaybe a button that just said pjump. Pyou did that and you did that pand we were happy. Pthats all we needed in life. P[laughter] p how can people enjoy and play pall these games . P so were open thursday to psunday. P 13 for adults we dont do any pcoins. Pwe dont do any quarters. Pyou come and you pay an padmission and you come and play pas long as you like. Pyou can come in and out. Pgo get lunch, get some greek pfoot pthe 13 bucks. P we have people that come from pthe the minute we open until pthe minute we close we have eople in all day. P what about kids 12 and under. P 12 and under are 7. Pkids that are under 6 are free. Pso with a paying adult. P its not a babysitting pservice you cannot drop your p10yearold off and do your pshopping wed appreciate about pthat. P whats cool you have the time pand we do have four generations pof people playing, you know, plineup at a pinball youll see pthe great grandfather, the dad pand the baby son all playing pgaming. P youre also doing a thing pwhich i think is brilliant romotion, late night date night p2 for 20 and youre doing that pon fridays and saturday nights. Pi think thats a great romotion. P and again, get some greek pfood its some of the best laces for food in the tampa bay parea and being able to bring pyour significant other p hes always buying stuff. Pin fact, if youre out there and phave an old pinball pback to life and well put it phere and well come back and lay it. P there you go, it is the re preplay amusement resume well plink it to our website you go to pmy Facebook Page at pfox13news. Com. Pcharlie with an ey cause i had pto be different. Pwe will link you to their pFacebook Page. Pcome out here and youll have a pgood time julie it was 1980 all pover again just like it was p1980 all over good. Pcharley belcher, fox news. P wasnt charley makes you plife. P hes like a little kid in the pcandy store. Phes a kid in the arcade store. P friday thats making people phappy maybe not the rain that pwill come with the weekend but pyou said its going to be a pwashout. P i dont see any washout out pthere and the more data that pkeeps kind of pouring in at this oint looks like at least the pand a half of the day, psaturdays, okay saturday, pokay. Pif you have any saturday plans ptry and get them done maybe pearly afternoon maybe this is phead in the later afternoon and plate evening thats when we pyou see some breaks in the pclouds not a sunny day but pbreaks, improvements from what pwe had this morning. P70 from our usf marine science pbuilding remember yesterday it ptook us to about 1 00, 2 00 pbefore we started to see those pbreaks that sun. Pheres looking at our beach cam pgetting back in the 70s out of pthe beaches as well. Pwater temperatures certainly has ptaken a hit the last few days pdown into the mid60s right now. Pheres the current temper. Pits 71 degrees. Pdew point of 65. Pwinds out of the southeast at 5 pmiles per hour. Pother temps around the area 71 pin west chase, 69 still in plant pcity. P73 in brandon as well as apollo pbeach. P71 at brooksville. P70 at in ver verness, 74 in myakka pcity, 72 in wauchula and 68 in pbartow. Pas far as dew points go, dew oints in the mid60s so pcertainly a bit stickier than it phas been. Pit will be this somewhat humid phours during the day saturday by psunday we do start to drop those pdew points and next week should pfeel fantastic as far as how pcomfortable it will be. Psatellite and radar theres that pstationary frontal bound to the pnorth this little impulse in the patmosphere will continue to pbrush through thats what pbrought us those showers early pon today meanwhile the northern pfringes of that youre seeing psome rain moving through ohio pinto pennsylvania and on west pvirginia as well and the pbackside of that with the colder pair you get the snow so snow pfrom minneapolis down through pomaha back towards denver most pareas not picking up too much pbut its january. Pwere ajuchld to parts of the pcountry, of course, are paccustomed to the cold ptemperatures. P22 in denver, 16 newspaper pbillings. P74 in albuquerque, meanwhile, pmilder as i head to the psoutheast, 55 in mobile, 61 in plittle rock. P51 in atlanta. Pa little bit cooler across the pnortheast. Pour jet stream as far as things pgo over the next week or so, pmore of a typical el nino attern. Pweve been talking about this pthe last couple of days. Pwell, it means that more active psubtropical jets so kind of a arade of storms along that psubtropical jet. Pwe saw one today. Pwe see another later on ptomorrow. Pnext week we see he these pimpulses go by. Pknots necessarily a whole lot of pmoisture with any of them at pleast through thursday. Pwe have rain in the forecast and pwith that it is still a ways paway but there could be severe pweather we know where el nino pwinters typically bring the most psevere weather winter in an paverage winter around here we psee 12 tornadoes. Pyou look at some of our pstrongest el nino events we pcertainly see more than 12, palmost triple in 82, 83, 5 times pas much in 97 98 so it remains pto be seen what were going to psee this year but again anytime pyou see rain and storms in the pforecast especially in this attern just know the threat is pthere for severe weather. Pyou want to Pay Attention p75 for today, breaks of sun, a pwarm afternoon, heres that p7day forecast. Ptemps in the mid70s tomorrow psheriffs deputy about a 50 pchance for rain mainly in the pafternoon and the evening. P70 on sunday, cooler, though, plook at monday highs only in the plow 60s, overnight lows all next pweek well see oversight lows in pthe 40s. P thank you, much like. Pstill ahead how a we stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Because you believe in go. Onward. Todays the day. Carpe diem. Tylenol 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We g ive you your day back. What you do with p oh, thats my favorite pelvis. Ptoday fans are celebrating the pthis would have been elvis resleys 81st bradford about pready. Pfans and paying tribute more pthan 20,000 elvis fans are pdescending parks australia for pthe Elvis Presley festival a 5 pday party that draws fans from pall over the globe in all kinds pof costumes as you can see. Pits the largest gathering of pits kind in the southern phemisphere with a parade and, of pcourse, lots and lots of elvis plook alikes. Pwell, going to a new school can pbe tough especially if a child pdoesnt know any of the pstudents, making friends can be preally hard but thanks to a new rogram it just got easier at pseveral schools and as fox 13 pkelly ring shows us its whats pright with tampa bay. Psnoet p i just felt strange because i phad no kind of friends. P p reporter thats how pthailand williams felt when he pstarted his first day at oak ark Elementary School. Pthat changed when he sat on the pa new innovative approach to phelp Elementary School students pfind new friendships. P in my heart, i felt this pwould be an opportunity and a lace for these children to sit pand once they sit there this is pa signal to other that they pdont have anybody to play with. P the bench is for students who pwant to make new friends. P he came over and sat down and pwant to play. P reporter the bench seems to pbe working for the students. P[inaudible] p and have fun and learn. R pbecome best friends. Pall thanks to the buddy bench. P i saw him over here and i pthought he should have a friend ptoo. P reporter a unique approach pagain. Pagain. P well, certainly i like that pidea and i like the fact that pits friday, the weekend is upon pus and you said at least psaturday morning going to look pnice. P meteorologist saturday and psunday is going to look nice as pwell. Pi think sunday the better day of pthe weekend. P75 for today. Pyoure seeing some breaks of sun pout there certainly a somewhat pwarm somewhat humid tomorrow. Pmore of the same lateday pshowers out there and then psunday cooler sevenday. Plook at next week. Pi mean, that to me is the pfirst p cool weather. P meteorologist that is pwinter are trying to. Pacceleration. P meteorologist a florida pwinter right, right. P the news doesnt end here pwell post the latest on pfox13news. Com. 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