In the early 1960s, Dutch businessman Alfred “Freddy” Heineken visited the Caribbean islands, then known as the Dutch Antilles. Amidst the beauty of the islands, he found an unexpected source of inspiration: discarded garbage, including empty beer bottles. This sparked a unique idea in his mind - tr
By Sameer van Alfen2021-05-12T13:11:00+01:00
The Dutch pension fund for specialty chemicals firm DSM has made a 5% investment in physical gold because of its diversification benefits, it claimed.
The investment in the precious metal, which started October 2020, was the result of a reduction in the fund’s exposure to government bonds by 10 percentage points because of a negative expected return on the asset class.
It has invested half of the proceeds in gold, and the remainer in equities, real estate and infrastructure, the fund announced.
The scheme has invested in gold before. “In the past, pension fund DSM Nederland has invested in gold as part of its exposure to commodities,” according to a spokesperson. An investor that follows the Bloomberg Commodity Index has a 15% exposure to gold, for example.