3, 2, 1, 0. Ignition. I am standing in front of the morehead building. The morehead planetarium is now the morehead planetarium and science center. A famous North Carolina family, the moreheads, whose grandfather was governor of North Carolina. An undergraduate student in chemistry. He made a discovery in the Chemistry Lab as an undergraduate that led to the founding of union carbide. Thise 30s he conceded yourof what you did with Science Education contribution would be building on a building a planetarium. The morehead planetarium was the first planetarium in the south. He visited the planetarium and chicago, the hayden planetarium, he also visited the leading lens manufacturer in the world, they arguably still are. Projector toodel a install which was the best in the world. Of education and enlightenment. [indiscernible] is what you will see on the lower half of your television screen. Watch very carefully. In the late 1950s response to sputnik being launched technology with rocketry
ELITE and TURBO are names given to roles at Wipro. The ELITE role offers Rs 3.6 lakh per annum and TURBO offers Rs 5.5+1 lakh per annum. Velocity is a training employees have to go through to upgrade their role.
The Court of Federal Claims has tossed a suit alleging a small business' Air Force contract was wrongly stripped over a mistaken size determination, saying the withdrawal of a subcontractor who prompted that size ruling meant the company could not meet the contract's terms.