Seoses kõrgemate riigiametnike määramise teemaga tõusis esile üks tähtis mõiste, nimelt tsiviilkontroll. Tegelikult selle sõna puhul on pistmist lihtsustatud tõlkega inglise keelest (civilian control) ja kahjuks tulenevad sellest väärarusaamad, kirjutab Vello Loemaa.
Following the controversy over a recent decision by the Estonian Defense Forces (EDF) leadership to include three generals in the reserve, ERR has investigated what the total number of generals, on active duty and in reserve, there are at present.
Juttu tuleb 2021. aasta presidendivalimiste ühest episoodist. Meie endi kogemuse alusel saab nende valimiste all mõista nii määramisi kui ka lehmakauplemisi, sest nii kipub see olema, kirjutab Vello Loemaa.
Former Ministry of Defense undersecretary and current Estonian ambassador to the United States Kristjan Prikk spoke to ERR s Toomas Sildam about the pains, gains, connections and backgrounds of national defense. He also spoke on the decision to cut the Estonian Defense Forces (EDF) orchestra.
You graduated from University of Tartu with a degree in political sciences, have worked as an official in the defense and foreign affairs ministries and in the State Chancellery. How interesting has Estonian politics been for you?
Politics - what is happening in society - has always interested me. And there have certainly been more colorful times and more boring times in Estonian politics.