democratic operatives carriedik on tiki torches to smear glenn youngkin as a white supremacist .up again, trudeau hadad reason to think canadians hadn to seen that and he might be able totr get away with it. trudeau has beenng honing this kind of argument for months now. last september, you may. peopler he accused who opposed mandatory vaccination getting a shottin because the government requires it of being racist. watchthat. you see these youngkin zelensky can weaponizes so swami s in seven assists for canadians . they dongood people. they don t have a lot of news te sources. they ve exposed nonstop for twoo years to this kind of propaganda. ifs k you don t believe in mandatory injection with an experimental medicinenjnj, you e a racist. apparently some believe it at least one counterprotest protester this weekend believed one of. watch this . one of those humiliating scenesn ever caught on tapees. what did it say?
christianity. canadians can no longer travel freely within their own country. they can no longerthey can no ro their own country at certain parts, pastors have beenn h imprisoned for holding church services. the unvaccinated can be sent toe jail for buying certain products in stores in the townly of gatineau, family members were arrested for celebrating new year s ever in their own home. every large institution in canada pretends like allct of this is perfectly normal. it s always been this canadian media which are largelyth controlled by the government supportov these policies and trudeau uncritically in nova scotia protestss against justin trudeau s vaccine mandates are now banned by lawge . rarely has a nation changed this quickly or more unequivocally for the worse. . and last week thousands of canadian truckers reached their limit. a a convoy of truckers convergedcr on the capitol city ottawa to demand peacefully, cheerfully but persistently an end to justin trudeau s tyranny. ju
and if youou wonder if that s true , notice how they overreact to the slightest challenge. so their power remember a year a ago when the q and on shoman skipped through congress on his mesclun trip giggling and spreading gooded vibes? itqu was kind of amusing, but democrats in washington were pan by so panicked they called in the u.s. army and sent that poor guy a to prison. they it s weird how touchy they get when you suggesthe they stole the presidential election. wonder why. butt this is not the behavior oe secure leaders. this is how despots act aey when they fear they re about to be overthrown and there s no more fearful despot in the world thans ate justin trudeau n canada.cana over the span of just a fewda. years, trudeau has turned a nation long famous for molson and sled dogs and niceness into a relentlessly punitive surveillance statein. people havee long whispered in dead seriousness that justin trudeau is the biologicalju son of fidel castro. you could laugh at off, but n
his face completely covered and he happensfa to be carrying a confederate flag. now the crowd looks at himnd and says, oh , wait a second, we know who you are.. you re mayhaps oh , sorry. epps. sorry. but we don t trust youxa in exactly the way the crowd in washington the night before january six of last year said to rick scott, if you re fed so. the people on the scene didn tdi believe that guy was anything but a provocateur. we don t know exactly who he was. what you make your own conclusions fromha that . but we re supposed to believe that this one guy in the full face mask withh a confederate flag proves the entire protest is racist pro. ve justin trudeau has every reasonr to run away like a terrified was that he is. and we can ignore the concerns of the people in the truck or convoy. but we ve got a couple of questions. who exactly was that guydi holding the flag and whereng ths justin trudeau right now? it s not n clear where he was broadcasting from this weekend . but what is cl
that and then because he has no self-awareness whatsoever, trudeau announced that he s contracted covid, which is perfect.t in other words, take this shotor or else as you can see from the fact i am now sick, it works perfectly. uld if canada weren t a country itka would be a remarkable dark comedy show. hordes of you may be v wondering about these hordes of visigoths who descendedde on ottawa, the ones who drove justin trudeau out of the city. what do they look like? well, here they are. i a lovaza and hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, freedom,