democratic operatives carriedik on tiki torches to smear glenn youngkin as a white supremacist .up again, trudeau hadad reason to think canadians hadn to seen that and he might be able totr get away with it. trudeau has beenng honing this kind of argument for months now. last september, you may. peopler he accused who opposed mandatory vaccination getting a shottin because the government requires it of being racist. watchthat. you see these youngkin zelensky can weaponizes so swami s in seven assists for canadians . they dongood people. they don t have a lot of news te sources. they ve exposed nonstop for twoo years to this kind of propaganda. ifs k you don t believe in mandatory injection with an experimental medicinenjnj, you e a racist. apparently some believe it at least one counterprotest protester this weekend believed one of. watch this . one of those humiliating scenesn ever caught on tapees. what did it say?