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On Friday night’s episode of ABC’s
Last Man Standing, Mike Baxter (Tim Allen) has met the enemy of free speech on college campuses, thanks to liberal professors, and that enemy is known as micro-aggressions. Micro-aggressions are the words no longer allowed on campus because they may offend someone. Today’s special snowflake college students evidently will melt into a puddle if faced with an alternate opinion than what is spoon-fed to them by professors with liberal, politically correct agendas.
In the episode “Precious Snowflake,” Mike is asked by his daughter, Mandy (Molly Ephraim) to speak at her business school’s graduation. She isn’t graduating yet but is on the committee to find a speaker for the ceremony – for extra credit towards her own graduation. Mandy breaks it to him that politically incorrect speeches are not allowed on college campuses these days. His speech has to be approved by the liberal facility committee, too, whic
Can we handle two Tim Allens? Megan Vick
Get your tool belts and power drills out because it is officially
Tool Time on
Last Man Standing! The Fox sitcom has had appearances from many
Home Improvement alumni, including Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Patricia Richardson, but in Thursday s episode, Tim The Tool Man Taylor shows up at the Baxter residence, and TV Guide has an exclusive sneak peek at your double dose of Tim Allen.
When Mike (Allen) gets back from a long day of work and vlog planning, he s annoyed to find that the handyman has parked in the middle of the driveway. Vanessa (Nancy Travis) ignores his complaining because she s anxious to see his reaction when he actually lays eyes on Tim, who is hanging out in the kitchen in his usual Binford Tools t-shirt.