Amidst all the shows with a blatant liberal agenda, “Last Man Standing” is a lone conservative voice on ABC; a gem hidden away in the 8pm Friday night slot. The latest episode of the sitcom, "Free Range Parents," hits scaredy-cat overprotective parents, leftwing news, and even Hillary Clinton. Mike Baxter (Tim Allen) is trying to get his son-in-law, Ryan, to allow his grandson to walk 6 blocks home from school by himself, but liberal Ryan worries too much about everything, from diabetes to free range parenting, or as Mike calls it, “childhood.”
In the episode “The Marriage Doctor” of Last Man Standing, Mike Baxter's conservative daughter Eve has to prepare for a debate in which – shudder! – she has to take the liberal position. So naturally, she turns to her liberal hippy brother-in-law for some help learning “how to talk out of your ass."
During Friday night’s Last Man Standing on ABC, in the episode titled “Three Sisters,” Mike Baxter (Tim Allen) does an Outdoor Man commercial promoting the store’s California earthquake kits. As he does the pitch, he looks into the camera and asks the question that many rational people would love to ask the voters of California – why is Governor Jerry Brown still your governor?
When it came to the February 18 episode of Fox’s Last Man Standing, “Lost and Found,” viewers were treated to an episode which was atypical in more ways than one.
During Friday night’s Last Man Standing on ABC, in the episode titled “Three Sisters,” Mike Baxter (Tim Allen) does an Outdoor Man commercial promoting the store’s California earthquake kits. As he does the pitch, he looks into the camera and asks the question that many rational people would love to ask the voters of California – why is Governor Jerry Brown still your governor?