Greer, oic of the general work detail. Id like to recognize officer Michael Grande for his dedication and professionalism of the general work detail. Officer grande has over 18 years of service with the San Francisco Police Department since the general work detail was reestablished in march of 2022. Officer grande has been the sole video retrieval officer for and worked hundreds of complex cases as Video Evidence has become increasingly critical for successful prosecution of cases and is frequently the only evidence to identify perpetrators of crimes. This evidence is fleeting and is often retained for as little as one week due to data storage constraints of many systems. Office ser grande has routinely made himself available at hours beyond his normal schedule to obtain his evidence in a timely manner. The officer grande is one of only five members of the sfpd to have completed an intensive week long course on forensic video retrieval and analysis through viva. In addition to the Tech
Greer, oic of the general work detail. Id like to recognize officer Michael Grande for his dedication and professionalism of the general work detail. Officer grande has over 18 years of service with the San Francisco Police Department since the general work detail was reestablished in march of 2022. Officer grande has been the sole video retrieval officer for and worked hundreds of complex cases as Video Evidence has become increasingly critical for successful prosecution of cases and is frequently the only evidence to identify perpetrators of crimes. This evidence is fleeting and is often retained for as little as one week due to data storage constraints of many systems. Office ser grande has routinely made himself available at hours beyond his normal schedule to obtain his evidence in a timely manner. The officer grande is one of only five members of the sfpd to have completed an intensive week long course on forensic video retrieval and analysis through viva. In addition to the Tech
Greer, oic of the general work detail. Id like to recognize officer Michael Grande for his dedication and professionalism of the general work detail. Officer grande has over 18 years of service with the San Francisco Police Department since the general work detail was reestablished in march of 2022. Officer grande has been the sole video retrieval officer for and worked hundreds of complex cases as Video Evidence has become increasingly critical for successful prosecution of cases and is frequently the only evidence to identify perpetrators of crimes. This evidence is fleeting and is often retained for as little as one week due to data storage constraints of many systems. Office ser grande has routinely made himself available at hours beyond his normal schedule to obtain his evidence in a timely manner. The officer grande is one of only five members of the sfpd to have completed an intensive week long course on forensic video retrieval and analysis through viva. In addition to the Tech
Greer, oic of the general work detail. Id like to recognize officer Michael Grande for his dedication and professionalism of the general work detail. Officer grande has over 18 years of service with the San Francisco Police Department since the general work detail was reestablished in march of 2022. Officer grande has been the sole video retrieval officer for and worked hundreds of complex cases as Video Evidence has become increasingly critical for successful prosecution of cases and is frequently the only evidence to identify perpetrators of crimes. This evidence is fleeting and is often retained for as little as one week due to data storage constraints of many systems. Office ser grande has routinely made himself available at hours beyond his normal schedule to obtain his evidence in a timely manner. The officer grande is one of only five members of the sfpd to have completed an intensive week long course on forensic video retrieval and analysis through viva. In addition to the Tech
Comes through he will use it at the original site. Mr. Hwang . Good evening, commissioners, once again. The departments procedures as it relates to mobile food has always been fairly transparent. Through our directors order. It is posted on the website for the general public to review. There is in our process a notification requirement by mail to all merchants and businesses within 300 feet of the proposed location as i have repeated several times to the members of this board. We also are required under the law to also provide notification if a merchant is working after hours, specifically. And in certain cases check with the San Francisco Police Department to ensure that these facilities are appropriate. In this case, we believe that we are follow our procedures correctly and processed the permit accordingly. And also this specific decision was also a measured response in many ways to the previous decision through what was coffee and then to director given by this board itself. I real