The numbers inaudible . That are local. Right. In San Francisco. Worldclass city oh, im sorry my microphone is off one thing to make sure or maintaining the imagine of San Francisco a worldclass city lets not forget we have qualified artists and local artists to make sure their considered so this is kind of one of the things thats there obviously the Arts Commission you know something from a conversation from just one commissioner but it was interesting to learn that that, yes there are aware we should be hire locally but at the same time, they want San Francisco to represent worldclass art and artists anyway. We probably should. That beyond the scope. Were near the ends please call the next item. Closed session there is nun and the next order of business item 11 adjournment. Madam chair. Yes. The meeting is adjourned at all right. Thank you, thank you all right. Everyone will you prelim stand and put your raise your right hand of the United States of america and to the republic for wh
Thank you. I wanted to say thank you on behalf of the board for all our work sometimes that is a thank less job mr. Clerk if we could please roll call commissioner cohen commissioner meiberger commissioner bridges is on her way droilg brisbane commissioner driscoll commissioner paskinjordan pr commissioner stansbury is quorum is presented. Thank you very much please call the next item thank you ladies and gentlemen, Public Comment is open at this time. Thank you, president im Patrick Bradshaw regarding the potential investment in the loan pool it was good warning the retirements system is asked to purchase. 26. Million no others secondary market willing to purchase it unfortunately, this simultaneously suggests the retirement system maybe under the quote greater pool theory an investment pool investment using the assumption theyll be able to phil fill it later to and then greater pool this is packaged not because you believe that is worst the price but rather you may believe all be abl
General Public Comment item no. 3. Please come on up. I have one card in front of me. Mr. John furlan okay thank you, president cohen. First off, im disturbed about the trend of moving closed session to the front of the agenda and having members of the public have to wait for an hourandahalf and two hours to wait for you to get through the investment calendar. And i would respectfully request that you move the investment calendar back to the agenda, so members of the public dont have to cool their heels while you are dealing with that. Okay. If necessary if you could move it to a special meeting each month, rather than jampack your agenda, so you are not out of here before 5 00 or 6 00 or 7 00; that would be even better. I would like to correct the record last month, ke walker inappropriately and inaccurately quoted that the program for the dalt investment would yield 9. 4 . She misread bob shaws analysis. She was quoting percentage for the loans that have already been repaid, and i be
Mr. John furlan okay thank you, president cohen. First off, im disturbed about the trend of moving closed session to the front of the agenda and having members of the public have to wait for an hourandahalf and two hours to wait for you to get through the investment calendar. And i would respectfully request that you move the investment calendar back to the agenda, so members of the public dont have to cool their heels while you are dealing with that. Okay. If necessary if you could move it to a special meeting each month, rather than jampack your agenda, so you are not out of here before 5 00 or 6 00 or 7 00; that would be even better. I would like to correct the record last month, ke walker inappropriately and inaccurately quoted that the program for the dalt investment would yield 9. 4 . She misread bob shaws analysis. She was quoting percentage for the loans that have already been repaid, and i believe more accurate number of 5. 2 yield on that proposed investment. Im also a little
General Public Comment item no. 3. Please come on up. I have one card in front of me. Mr. John furlan okay thank you, president cohen. First off, im disturbed about the trend of moving closed session to the front of the agenda and having members of the public have to wait for an hourandahalf and two hours to wait for you to get through the investment calendar. And i would respectfully request that you move the investment calendar back to the agenda, so members of the public dont have to cool their heels while you are dealing with that. Okay. If necessary if you could move it to a special meeting each month, rather than jampack your agenda, so you are not out of here before 5 00 or 6 00 or 7 00; that would be even better. I would like to correct the record last month, ke walker inappropriately and inaccurately quoted that the program for the dalt investment would yield 9. 4 . She misread bob shaws analysis. She was quoting percentage for the loans that have already been repaid, and i be