AMHERST Current staffing and programming for the town, schools and libraries would be preserved, with significant money also being put toward road and sidewalk improvements, in a $93.46 million budget plan for fiscal 2024 presented to the Amherst.
In 2019, the DEP spent $22M of settlement funds on electrifying the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority, Martha’s Vineyard Transit Authority and Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority.
UMass Amherst has been designated as a Bike Friendly University (BFU) by the League of American Bicyclists, a grassroots advocacy organization encouraging better bicycling and protecting the rights of people who bike.
HADLEY Hadley will not join ValleyBike Share this year, as residents at fall Town Meeting are not being asked to pay the costs of membership.The Select Board agreed with Town Administrator Carolyn Brennan earlier this month to keep the $4,519.