“The Nutcracker” ballet returns in December to the Vilar Center, featuring dancers from the Vail Youth Ballet Company and Vail Valley Academy of Dance. The holiday tradition of the “Nutcracker” comes to life with captivating.
Are you ready to rock? Come and listen to your favorite rock ‘n’ roll songs and tunes made famous by many musicals when the Vail Performing Arts Academy presents “Rock This Town Revue” on Saturday.
Vail and the greater Eagle River valley are home to boundless opportunities for residents and guests to participate in and experience numerous activities ranging from outdoor recreation to cultural activations and arts performances. However, for.
The MAPS Institute of Modern Music, a mentoring program for emerging local musicians, is hosting the first Vail Youth Music Showcase this Saturday from 3:30-6 p.m. in Solaris Plaza. Fourteen young musicians from the state.
COVID-19 restrictions and protocols caused school kids to miss out on a lot of experiences these past few years. The Eagle County Charter Academy was happy to bring back cotillion after a two-year hiatus.