I am pleased that Sarah Smith Hymes is willing to contribute her considerable talents to our county by serving as an Eagle County commissioner. I can wholeheartedly endorse Sarah, who has proven herself to be a.
I am writing to encourage anyone eligible to vote in the June 25 Democratic primary to vote for Sarah Smith Hymes. We are lucky to have two outstanding Democratic candidates from which to choose, but.
While Eagle County Charter Academy’s academic performance has grown in recent years, its progress on increasing the diversity of its student population has slowed. In Eagle County School District’s annual review of the charter school,.
Starting Wednesday, Jan. 10, administration of the bi-annual Healthy Kids Colorado Survey will begin for Eagle County students. This will be the 10th year that the survey has been administered locally to gain insight into.
Most of the fourth grade students at Eagle County Charter Academy have one thing to say to the people who decide how the Colorado River is managed: The policies that govern the river should change.