Starting late 1980s, as an unintended consequence of the political strife and Bodo insurgency that hit western Assam, the tiger population in the Manas National Park dwindled. Over the years, as the guns went silent, the tigers returned: their count in 2022 is at a record high of 52 adults and 8 cubs
Guwahati, April 8 (IANS) Prior to the publication of the census results on Sunday, the two major Assam tiger reserves Kaziranga and Manas are anticipated to experience a spike in the tiger population after previously experiencing several difficultie
Vaibhav Mathur, who plays Tika in the popular TV show 'Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai', talks about his inspiring journey as an actor and how he got the opportunity to be part of the show. |
Vaibhav Mathur, who plays Tika in the popular TV show 'Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai', talks about his inspiring journey as an actor and how he got the opportunity to be part of the show.When asked if he always wanted to be an actor, he replies: "I .