The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday said it has conducted raids on the premises of jailed gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmad and his associates, following which it seized Rs 75 lakh in cash along with some documents pertaining to nearly 200 bank accounts and 50 shell entities.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has seized ₹75 lakhs of Indian and foreign currency as well as some documents pertaining to nearly 200 bank accounts and 50 shell entities from the premises of jailed gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmed and his associates.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has seized Rs 75 lakhs of Indian and foreign currency as well as some documents pertaining to nearly 200 bank accounts and 50 shell entities from the premises of jailed gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmed.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday said it has conducted raids on the premises of jailed gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmad and his associates, following which it seized Rs 75 lakh in cash along with some documents pertaining to .