American hiamerican histor products are available on the online store. Go to cspan store. Org to check out all of the cspan products. Today marks the 50th anniversary of a Landmark Supreme Court case, tinker v. Des moines. In just a moment well be talking to one of the key players in that case. John tinker will be joining us from des moines, iowa. But first, courtesy of cbs news, Walter Cronkite on the evening news 50 years today. The Supreme Court today endorsed the right of student protests so long as the protest does not disrupt order or interfere with the rights of others. But a dissenting justice hugo black said the ruling begins a revolutionary era of permissiveness fostered by the judiciary. The 72 decision upheld the right of three des moines teenagers to wear black antiwar arm bands to high school. The court said students do not leave their freedoms of speech and expression at the school door. That courtesy of the cbs news and two of the key players in this case, Mary Beth Tin