American hiamerican histor products are available on the online store. Go to cspan store. Org to check out all of the cspan products. Today marks the 50th anniversary of a Landmark Supreme Court case, tinker v. Des moines. In just a moment well be talking to one of the key players in that case. John tinker will be joining us from des moines, iowa. But first, courtesy of cbs news, Walter Cronkite on the evening news 50 years today. The Supreme Court today endorsed the right of student protests so long as the protest does not disrupt order or interfere with the rights of others. But a dissenting justice hugo black said the ruling begins a revolutionary era of permissiveness fostered by the judiciary. The 72 decision upheld the right of three des moines teenagers to wear black antiwar arm bands to high school. The court said students do not leave their freedoms of speech and expression at the school door. That courtesy of the cbs news and two of the key players in this case, Mary Beth Tin
Today marks the 50th anniversary of a Landmark Supreme Court case. In a moment, we will talk to one of the key players in the case, and john taker is going to join us from des moines, iowa and first courtesy of cbs evening news on the evening news 50 years ago today. The Supreme Court today endorsed the right of student protest so long as the protest does not disrupt order or interfere with the rights others, but a dissenting justice hugo black says it begins the permissive era fostered by the judiciary. A 72 decision upheld des moines teenagers to wear the black arm bands into the school. That is courtesy of cbs evening news and two of the key players mary beth tinker, and johner and joining us from des moines is john tinker. Thank you for being with us. It is great to be with you. And we understand that there is some ice and bad weather in the des moines area, and your sister could not be here, so we appreciate your trekking out to be with us. That is right. We are having quite a sto
Been peppered with paintballs. At least three of his neighbors along e ave were hit as well. Vehicles too, like this suv that was parked outside. Dont they have Something Better to do . Or, someplace else to do it . Apparently not. Police say, in just the last two weeks, there have been at least four reports of vandals firing paintballs at property and people. Chief wayne jerman called the act a juvenile thin will get hurt, but paintballers could be shot themselves. Their guns look remarkably like the real thing. Dont these people think that they stand the risk of somebody trying to protect themselves . I just think its an incredibly stupid thing to do. Police think theyve caught the troublemaker s behind a few of the incidents. Authorities arrested 26 yearold kenneth herring and 30yearold earnest murry, earlier this month. Police say the two spent the evening of october 6th paintballs out of a van. One woman was hit in the eye. Herring was charged with criminal mischief. Murry, drivin
When LSMS impresario Peter Aucella sent over the latest batch of announcements for the 2024 Lowell Summer Music Series, he punctuated his email with the following: “Good to have a lot of new blood this year!”
Former Miss America Cara Mund filed her signatures with the Secretary of State's office to seek the Republican House nomination, as did a Moms for Liberty activist from Williston.