Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday delivered his eighth consecutive address from the Red Fort on the 75th Independence Day during which he announced a Rs 100 lakh crore 'Gatishakti' initiative to bring employment opportunities for the youth, help local manufacturers become globally competitive and aid in holistic infrastructure growth. Modi arrived at the Red Fort at
In a first, two Mi-17 1V Indian Air Force (IAF) helicopters showered flower petals at the venue of main Independence Day celebration at the Red Fort here after Prime Minister Narendra Modi unfurled the national flag.
In a first, two Mi-17 1V Indian Air Force (IAF) helicopters showered flower petals at the venue of main Independence Day celebration at the Red Fort here after Prime Minister Narendra Modi unfurled the national flag. The petals were showered in the Amrut formation drawing loud applause and cheers from the audience. While the first chopper was controlled by Wing Commander