Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday delivered his eighth consecutive address from the Red Fort on the 75th Independence Day during which he announced a Rs 100 lakh crore 'Gatishakti' initiative to bring employment opportunities for the youth, help local manufacturers become globally competitive and aid in holistic infrastructure growth. Modi arrived at the Red Fort at
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the Independence Day celebrations were curtailed for the second consecutive year, with attendees wearing masks and maintaining social distance.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lead the nation in celebrating the historic 75th Independence Day from the ramparts of the Red Fort in New Delhi on August 15, 2021. He will hoist the National Flag and deliver the customary address to the .
Thirty-two athletes who have won medals at Olympics and two officials of the Sports Authority of India have been invited to participate in the celebrations at the Red Fort on Sunday, the Defence Ministry said in a statement.