Sixteen days and over 380 hours into their ordeal, the 41 workers trapped under the collapsed tunnel in Uttarakhand's Uttarkashi may face an extended wait, possibly stretching by days or even weeks, before their rescue.
"Internet service will also be provided. This rescue robotic system will help detect hazardous gases inside, like methane," he added. The robotic expert said that he held discussions with the officials engaged in the rescue operations regarding the ongoing rescue operation, adding that the team will implement the best possible solutions. Uttarakhand Tunnel Rescue Operation Update: Robots to Check on Mental Well-Being of 41 Trapped Workers.
Uttarkashi Tunnel Rescue Update:Stay informed with real-time updates on the Uttarakhand tunnel collapse in the Silkyara Tunnel. Follow the latest news on ongoing rescue operations for trapped workers. Get updates on the situation as of November 27.
"All labourers are our brothers", said a civilian specialist Prasadilal who has been called in to carry out the manual drilling for the rescue of 41 trapped labourers in the Silkyara tunnel.