Six mountaineers with minor injuries were brought to a helipad on Wednesday from Draupadi Ka Danda peak in Uttarkashi district as search operations resumed to trace climbers missing after a massive avalanche hit the area at a height of 17,000 feet.
Twenty-seven mountaineers remained missing on Wednesday after rescue workers brought 14 injured members of their team to safety, a day after an avalanche claimed 10 lives in Uttarkashi.
A 41-member team of mountaineers was returning after climbing the peak when they were hit by the avalanche on Tuesday. Kanswal worked as an instructor at NIM and had accompanied the team of trainee climbers to Draupadi Ka Danda-II. As the news of her demise broke, there was an outpouring of grief in her Lonthru village in the district. Uttarakhand Avalanche: Savita Kanswal, Record-Setter Mountaineer Who Scaled Mount Everest, Among Those Killed in Uttarkashi Tragedy.
Bodies recovered include that of mountaineer Savita Kanswal, who had set a national record by climbing Mount Everest and Mount Makalu within a span of 15 days