The Supreme Court on Monday asked the additional sessions judge in Uttar Pradesh’s Lakhimpur Kheri to provide the timeline for deciding the bail petition of Ashish Mishra, Union Minister Ajay Mishra Teni’s son, who has been in custody for a year when the violence claimed eight lives in 2021.
This article analyses the issue of extending minimum support price coverage to major food crops. Given the utility of public procurement and buffer stocks during the previous crises, MSP procurement may be continued for rice and wheat but a shift to direct payments is needed for non-staple crops.
The people’s mandate in favour of the Bharatiya Janata Party has consolidated the aggressive, masculine, and religious majoritarianism of the “new India” cherished by the Sangh Parivar. This further squeezed the little public space available for the marginalised sections of the society, especially Muslims. The formation of a group of compromised citizens who are ready to give
While trying to balance the competing demands from the union and the states, the Fifteenth Finance Commission has done a commendable job, but has also sacrificed objectivity at times.