On them that we see today. Booksedores 2011 an illustrated guide to virginias Civil War Monuments is the First Complete catalog of virginia from monuments. It is more than a catalog. It is this that he of ideology and meaning and provides a window of what the people who erected them were thinking at the time and wanted to say. Has finished a similar study of tennessee monuments and is working on another one about mississippi. His wonderful wife patricia is a morehat she monuments and more states than anybody else in the union [laughter] rawls i think that the two of them have seen more monuments in any of the states than any of the residents of the state. Remarks today are entitled words, breath, text and landscape virginia Civil War Monuments in the context of tennessee and mississippi monumentation. Dr. Timothyan, sedore. [applause] gentlemen, dr. Tim othy sedore. [applause] dr. Sedore good evening. Im very pleased to be here to speak to you about monuments, specifically monuments in