The probe body formed to investigate Sunday's Madaripur bus crash, which claimed the lives of 19 people, has identified overspeeding as the primary cause of the accident.
Madaripur Bus Crash: Madaripur district administration has formed a four-member committee to probe into today's Madaripur accident that left 19 people dead and 24 injured so far.
Bus accident in Madaripur today.To more about Madaripur Bus Crash, Madaripur Crash, Madaripur Bus Accident, Bus in Deadly Madaripur Crash, Emad Paribahan Bus Crash, Madaripur Road Crash, Emad Paribahan Bus Accident, Madaripur Tragedy.
Madaripur Bus Crash: The bus of Emad Paribahan that fell into a ditch on the Dhaka-Mawa-Bhanga Expressway this morning, leaving at least 19 dead, has been operating without any fitness clearance for three months.
Madaripur Bus Crash: The acting deputy director of the district family planning office in Gopalganj was one of 19 people killed after an Emad Paribahan bus fell into a ditch this morning in Madaripur's Shibchar upazila.