Probably the biggest thing that they have played in levis stadium since almost exactly 5 years ago. Think back to that, it was thanksgiving night, it we seems to teams. They were one year fresh off of championship game. And then, the way that game went, it was a very listless 49ers team that lost to the seahawks that night by a score of 193. And in fact, Richard Sherman making an interception of Colin Kaepernick to pretty much ice that game for the seahawks. But, the biggest thing about that game, that itll be remembered for, what sherman and Russell Wilson having a thanksgiving feast on the 49er logo in the middle of the field. That in very rated 49ers people. It set the team on a downward spiral that it has just now recovered from. Kyle shanahan came in after that time. That was the last year for jim harbaugh. Richard sherman is now a 49er. As you can imagine, that is something he was asked about this week. May set a probably take them off more than the actual score was seeing you ou
This is the most important thing about such a contrasting suit, and youre thinking, now youre figuring it out and doubt, think that well, heres the plese, of course, well, heres the outfit, of course, its certainly airy, if it were blue, it wouldnt be better, it wouldnt be, you need to acquire something new, some new experience, especially taking into account the fact , that this contrasting disaggregated animal print really suits you very well, you can have no doubt at all, to the hairdresser, makeup artists who made me a miracle of a man, a miracle of a woman, and especially for you, a huge thank you and a huge thank you, im incredibly glad to meet you, im very, very glad, ill remember this is for life, yube, congratulations on your future anniversary, be happy, thank you very much, thank you. Health and happiness to everyone. And if you, like our todays heroine railya, want to take part in the fashion sentence program, fill out the form on the channel one website. The First Channel