during world war ii you had limits on what you could say if it would inspire the enemy. and now as a pallet cleanser, let s see what two bear cubs and the tiger cub are getting up to. i so don t approve of that. i mean, come on. back to this hour, a horrible horrible, horrible event. every time we talk about him, he grows. is he to blame for the horrible crimes in afghanistan? that guy is irrelevant. as an american special forces guy who has been fighting over there and will be going again, i have had it. we were talking before and the muslims are like the dude you all know who every weekend is
had a great time saturday. it happens to a lot of guys. i m going to you will ka you. please do. great pre game tonight. i feel good about the greg-alogue. and it will continue the momentum of the show. the viewers can t wait. this never gets old. you are still young. go uh wai. let s welcome our guests. she is cuter than a pile of unconscious smurfs. i am here with entertain meant journalist jill dobson. he knows punch lines like i know cheap wines. welcome a first time guest dan soder. and his second home is a port a potty. it is bill shultz looking up at nothing. and his manliness is cur is pad only by his man less knee. sitting next to me is u.s. army special forces member terry sapper. if he was a yatzee families would do him on game night.
president obama set out to clarify our mission in libya during our speech last night but he ruled out targeting muammar qaddafi. there is no question that libya and the world would be better off with qaddafi out of power. i along with many other world leaders have embraced that goal. and will actively pursue it through nonmilitary means. but broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake. so how is he going to wind up leaving? what is our end game, then? with us right now is retired u.s. army special forces captain ben collins. also, we have democratic strategist rosea scarcelli and bert whose brother was killed in the bombing of pan am flight 103. good morning to all of you. called you all together to get
coming up on tomorrow s red eye why am i yelling? return appearances from u.s. army special forces terry safford, the mean guy on the left. and suzanne sena and the great comedian joe derosa. it will be a good show. time to go back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. tucker, where can i go to fiend ut on how much federal employees really make? you can go to the daily coller. actually we have a great series coming up, one of our reporters is digging into how much more impressive their benefits r. i like chris moody. he does good work. oh please. he does. what the hell is going on at your website. people need to subscribe. i have amazing stuff in april. join now. how much does it cost to
like a starving puppy. and sitting next to me, u.s. army special forces member terry safford. i love the objectiony clean detergent the oxy-clean detergent ball. it works. but i tie a string to it anyway. and our new york times correspondent. good to see you, pinch. today s front page story, unearthed film footage from back in 1927. i remember israel well, see. he usinged my business section to clean up the doosie of a night with three girls and a strong bone player and a bad batch of gin. quiet, you. my intern, anything to hit. extra, extra, read all about it. that will do, porch. that will do. wow, i feel like i am in a