that u.s. may have plans to assassinate kim jong-un. white house national security adviser mcmaster saying today on fox news sunday that a stronger presence in the region is a good way to deal with north korea recent behavior, and nuclear ambitions. what must happen is that denuclearization of th korean pn epeninsula. asked us to be prepared to give him a full range of options. arthel: joining me now, captain ben collins u.s. army special forces veteran, green beret, with 3 tours of duty in afghanistan, what are the capabilities of navy strike group? what is your gauge on this move? well, to be honest, i think that what this is mostly a symbolic, message that sending
destroyers in the mediterranean. is that a threatening maneuver, or is it routine and certain stances like this? i don t consider it a threatening maneuver. it is something that russia has to do and something that can make the international news like it is making today. but you can be assured, and we can all be assured that we have for protection that our navy needs out there in the mix. there is no threat to the u.s. from the russian ship. jon: what about the fact that russian forces were not to be on the ground at this airfield, and we are told pentagon actually notified the russians about an hour before the attack. frankly, that surprises me because the russians could have been picked up the phone and called the syrians coming in they could have flown their planes out of there in that hour. we can probably assess that is exactly what happened. the russian advisors, the russian chemical munitions experts, if that is what they were, certainly told their syrian counterparts. it i
u.s. air strike on syria, guided missile destroyer uss porter played a major role in launching that attack. now a russian warship in the eastern mediterranean is heading toward the border, and another navy destroyer that launched those strikes. the developments raising serious questions about what comes next. a piece in the washington post reads the biggest difference that trump and his commanders confront now is the presence of russian troops on the battlefield and russian air defense systems that are capable of shooting down u.s. planes. today, russian troops are intermingled with the syrian forces, and any strike on a syrian military target could also produce russian military casualties. mitchell is a retired u.s. army special forces lieutenant colonel and national guardsmen. let s talk about the latest development, the russian ship steaming toward the u.s.
heels. it s just a matter of time before the allied forces win. so they would love to have some sort of a respite from this onslaught. i think centcom is smart not do that, but i also think that they need to look validation process. help our viewers understand the situation there for the many civilians who are caught up in the middle of this. we talkqqah raqqah, mosul, but when many are being used as human sheield, ho are officials on the ground supposed to work around that? first thing they have to know that they are there. sometimes isis will set up four to five positions and they will bring in civilians in amongst them and a lot of times we don t know that. when you don t have u.s. forces on the ground, air force combat controllers or u.s. army special forces, somebody that actually
muck. kelly: president trump blasting germany saying they may or they must, rather, pay their fair share when it comes to nato. his comments come one day after his meeting with the german leader. earlier today the president tweeted this: despite what you have heard from the fake news, i had a great meeting with german nevertheless, germany owes vast sums of money to nato and the united states. must be paid more for the powerful and very expensive defense it provides to germany. meantime, british troops have arrived in estonia as part of a russian aggression. 800 british troops will be stationed in that country as part of one of the biggest deployments to eastern europe in decades. ben collins is a u.s. army special forces veteran and a former green beret. he joins us now. he served three tours of duty in afghanistan. first thing s first, sir, thank