Pright there. Pboom. Pthats right. Phae everybody its 8 oclock. Pim right there with you. Pthank you. Pwere waking up on this tuesday pthe first day of march. Pwe will get over to dave posterberg. Pgorgeous. Pdont you want to send russell pback to his home planet . Pdont you want to do that, no pmore than 61 degrees was that my poutdoor voice again. P61 in tampa. P63 in st. Petersburg. Pi mean look how fast moving up pwinterhaven at 60 degrees. P58 in frostproof. Pbrooksville was in the 40s, a pfew minutes ago is jumped up to p50 degrees. Pwere exactly where we were pyesterday at this time. Pso really a great, great start pto the day. Pand it should be a fantastic pfinish as well with highs in mid p70s. Ptomorrow a few more clouds as pfront comes through but not pgoing to do much to the ptemperatures. Pstill expecting highs in mid 70s pas well. Pall right dave. Pright now we have skyfox pchecking out a new crash in inellas county. Pbay pines boulevard at nifty. Pit looks like we do hav
Floors and through the roof. We talked to officials onscene and they tell us the the building has been under construction. They say no one was living here and there were no injuries or evacuations but its an extremely heavy fire and right now crews are trying to stop it from spreading to nearby buildings. And back out here live where the neighborhood is filled with thick, heavy smoke as firefighters battle the fire, theyll be here for the next few hours trying to get the smoke and the flames to due down. At this point, theres no word on the cause. Cbs 2 news. Thank you. We have some more breaking news in Suffolk County this morning. Theres been a crash on the Northern State parkway at exit 41. And now police say theres at least one injury. Janelle burrell is headed to the scene. Again, just a brief recap, breaking news in Suffolk County and we will have that of course coming up. And also new, Police Release a sketch of a suspect in an attemped rape in union square. He has a thin build,
[applause] good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. And welcome to the Fourth Annual conference and gala presented by the william s. Ugly program at yale. Attributed to winston churchill. He. He said, if you are not a liberal when youre 25, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative by the time you are 35, you have no brain. [laughter] a radical in the 1930s, became a leader. Later on he rejected marxism and moved to the right producing in 1941 the work for which he was best known, the managerial revolution published in 1941. 1941. He also became a red regular contributor to the conservative publication National Review. In 1933 along with sidney hook he had to organize the American Workers fund, supported its merger with the communist league of america to the United States Workers Party. In 1935 the allied with the wing of that party and defended offended no one less than leon trotsky himself. Writing for the partisan review, he was also an important influence on writers, such as Dw
Stairway. Employees at first believed they had found a mannequin at the bottom of the stairwell. The person is deceased and the San Francisco Sheriffs Department is leading the investigation with assistance from the San Francisco police department. Reporter say source closely involved in the investigation told ktvu it is the body of the woman who disappeared from her hospital room 17 days ago after checking in for a possible bladder infection. She was last seen by her family friday, september 20th. Two friends, her boyfriend and her best friend, came to visit her at about 11 00 a. M. On saturday morning and were told that she had disappeared as of 30 minutes previous. Reporter worried family and friends built a website for the public to search for the woman. The discovery of the body today dimmed the familys hopes. Someone has died in a mysterious fashion here at San Francisco general, an institution known for healing. Tonight im sure the staff is horrified and confused. Certainly the
That any kid on the playground pull when tyranny was afoot when somebody was criticizing their behavior or they were saying its free country kids used to declare, do you remember that its a free country. Thank its a free country. We were part of a collective civil agreement. We all understood that we didnt believe it. We knew it. So an abrupt loss or taking or a surrendering of our freedoms, on your perspective, would have sounded absolutely preposterous, but so did many things we have encountered and are still encountering not being able to buy soap at a mom and pop store down the street a local retailer. But having go to a big box store, being ticketed for fishing in a private pond without a mask, that was dont as a surgical shield. Or a splash shield, deciding if or which experimental drugs you would take into your body or that the department of Homeland Security may consider you a terrorist for not agreeing with the government narrowly, which could sow discord, undermine public tru