ALBANY In 2007, after 63-year-old Albert Langner was found frozen to death following a roadway mishap in Essex County, his widow told authorities she had fr
By Susan Arbetter New York State UPDATED 6:41 PM ET Jul. 20, 2021 PUBLISHED 6:30 PM ET Jul. 20, 2021 PUBLISHED 6:30 PM EDT Jul. 20, 2021
A bipartisan group of upstate lawmakers recently sent Gov. Andrew Cuomo a letter that basically asks “where’s the cell service?
The group is interested in the work of the Upstate Cellular Coverage Task Force, which last met in September 2019.
New York Assemblyman Billy Jones, of Plattsburgh, sits on the task force and was one of the signatories to the letter.
“I was part of three meetings in Albany,” he said. “It was a good group of people. Good recommendations came out of it.”